How To Entertain Children In Places That Are Not Fun?

More than the place, the fun depends on who is involved. If you put your mind to it, you can make your child enjoy even the most boring places. Pay attention to these tips!
How to entertain children in places that are not fun?

When we travel by car, if we have to take him to work because we can’t find someone to take care of him … entertaining a child in places that are not fun can be difficult, right ?; For this reason, at Eres Mamá , we decided to dedicate a space to the subject and thus offer you games and ideas to make your child have fun even when they are in these two unattractive places that we mentioned before.

Keep in mind that a bored child puts his neurons to work at maximum capacity and, generally, what they generate is beyond our allowance. Then come the scolding, the occasional punishment, the crying, the claims that he is bored …, so that none of this happens, keep our recommendations in mind.

Games for the child when traveling by car

While you drive and your child gets bored in the back seat of the car, change his mood with the game of I See, I See where each one guesses what the other is seeing through different questions.

They can also play to make and answer riddles or exercise their diction to see who can say a tongue twister without making a mistake.

Likewise, your child can spend hours answering puzzles in a notebook and of course, there are always the technological games that distract him so much.

Games for the child when he is at mom’s work

Taking a child to their parents’ work is generally not a good idea; Unless Mommy is the boss and doesn’t take into account if her little one gets into mischief. However, there are times when we have no choice and we subject our son to the tedium of spending the entire afternoon at mom’s work.

If this is your case, we suggest some fun distractions to occupy your time.

Give him board games and show him how he can use them in another way

Board games were invented to be used in groups, but the ingenuity of man, or rather, of the lonely and bored man, devised a second chance.

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If your child is bored in your workplace, tell him how to use the cards to develop various manipulation skills such as learning to shuffle them quickly and in various ways, make castles, make stairs in which the cards fall in sequence, jump the decks of one hand to the other … with a card game many games can be made, even reviewing tricks over and over again with which to surprise friends and family later.

With the dominoes you can build huge castles. This exercise will encourage you to master your fine motor skills.

Give him materials to make crafts and develop fine arts

Provide it with paper and colors to draw, crayons to color, plasticine or wax balls to mold, plastic scissors and glue to cut and paste whatever you want …

Stimulate his creative spirit by motivating him to make you a necklace with colored beads, decorate a hat with ribbons, make his own kite or make monstrous masks with which to scare his friends … Crafts offer a sea of ​​possibilities and In your work you can surely find disposable plastic and cardboard materials with which to make dissimilar works.

You give him the instruments, the raw material and the idea; let him be creative.

Take advantage of their skills as long as they are passive


Passive activities can be fun. If your child likes to read, don’t hesitate to give him interesting books to spend time with. If he likes music, don’t forget his headphones at home and if he loves photography, you know … let him walk the corridors and go out to the patio, reading him before the discipline and silence booklet that he must follow, so that he can take his incredible photos.

Does your little one have an aptitude for painting? Well, load with oils, brushes and easel and give it a little corner with a special view so that it reflects its appreciation of the world.

If you take into account the distraction of your little one, you will surely find a way to make him have a pleasant time in places that are not fun for him.

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