How To Free Your Child From Stress

How to relieve your child of stress

Encouraging healthy habits through a routine that includes physical activity and outdoor recreation helps relieve your child of the stress that affects a large part of the population.

All children – just like adults – are subjected to stressful situations with which many times, inevitably, they have to deal; It is precisely at this point that the heart of the matter is focused, since children’s temperaments vary and with them their abilities to deal with stress.

Having the emotional support of family and friends is a good pillar to deal with stress and daily problems ; This helps all children in general, those who are easy to deal with and adapt quickly to changes, and those who are destabilized by new situations that break into their routine.

Children who are clear about their personal capacity, feel loved and supported – whatever their temperament – are better at managing stress than those who do not feel that way, that is why it is key to promote high self-esteem in children, Positive feelings and self-assurance help you get rid of stress.

And although all parents would like their children to walk on cotton candy throughout their lives, it is impossible for children not to be subjected to stressful experiences, especially since not all situations affect all children in the same way. So while you can’t free your child from all stressful circumstances, you can avoid requiring him to do activities that are beyond his means.

As well as it is also necessary that you always be attentive to their emotional needs, because the fact that they are ignored generates more stress.

It is also essential that as a mother you are attentive to the emotional and behavioral changes that your children present, since there can be many factors that promote child stress, and sometimes many of them go unnoticed.

relieve your child of stress

Stress and its signs

The level of stress can vary for each child. There are factors that affect their ability to deal with it, such as the level of development that the infant has and their previous experience dealing with stressful situations. And the age of the child also has to do with this experience, because the younger he is, the more impact the situation that stresses him produces.

Psychologically it has been determined that the stress level can be acute or chronic. Thus, for example, acute stress can appear when faced with a certain event such as one of the parents having a severe illness; on the other hand, chronic stress, which manifests itself when the child feels that he is in a constant threatening situation.

However, there are many situations that can create stress for a child; such as a move, family problems or within the school. How do you know stress is trapping your child? Well, there are signs that tell you that something could be happening to him.

One of the sure signs that your child is not coping well with stress is that his sleep is disturbed; Either he sleeps a lot, or he doesn’t sleep at all. You should also be attentive to his mood, because if he is very irritable, gets upset for no apparent reason, has crying spells, constantly suffers from nightmares and his appetite varied, that is, it increased or is lacking, it is likely that stress is affecting him bad way.

If this is happening, the first step to free your child from stress is to identify what the situation is that puts him in that state, you can find out by showing pictures to see his reaction if your child is a small child, or asking him how he feels , what goes through his head and what makes him feel that way, if your baby already knows how to talk.

After determining what the problem is, you can start to implement very simple routines and avoid certain attitudes; so you can free your child from stress. The idea is that you learn to control your mind and your emotions in a balanced way.

relieve your child of stress

Activities to relieve your child of stress

An infallible activity is physical exercise. Moving is always good for the body and mind. So encourage your child to engage in physical and recreational activities.

Let him go out to play with his friends, ride a bike, run, skate, play soccer or go swimming, any sport or discipline is good, even the game helps him in many ways.

Promoting outdoor activities will not only relieve your child of stress but also the whole family. Going out to the park is a good alternative, there without much preparation you could do a stretching session, which consists of progressively extending a part of your body, lengthening it as much as possible.

You can even tell your child to do stretching exercises at home, they just need to hold this pose for a few seconds and then gently loosen that part of the body. They will feel much better. Enrolling your child in yoga or meditation classes is also a good option to relieve stress, as these disciplines are based on the practice of conscious breathing, which helps control emotions and thoughts to focus on acting.

Avoid arguing in front of your child, and try to resolve family problems without yelling, in a calm way, since family conflicts can increase the stress level of children. Offering a balanced diet also helps the general health of the child, even with stress.

Is your child stressed out with so many activities?

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