How To Gain The Trust Of Your Children According To The Experts

How to gain the trust of your children according to the experts

Trust between father and children is very important, one of the greatest gifts that can be given to the family. A good family relationship ensures the ability not to give up in the face of adversity.

In addition, it is effective in finding alternative solutions in favor of the goals and knowing how to learn from mistakes. A good parent can be a good friend to your child without damaging the authority figure, even if it is very different in many ways.

It is very important to emphasize that parents should avoid putting themselves on the same level as their children’s friends. First of all, the role must be maintained and respect guaranteed, this is something that the child will have to know all the time. Let’s not forget that children are not looking for a colleague, but a friend with enough experience to give advice. Authority is also helpful in instilling confidence.

Keys to gain the trust of your children

Although some parents do not feel that certain limits should be upset, trust between the family can avoid inconveniences. That they trust us is just as important as that we trust them.

If we try to establish bonds of trust from childhood, we will get to know and understand them better. Experts explain that with this we do not show weakness, on the contrary, we strengthen the image that children have of us.

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Be firm but not authoritative

In most cases, when the parents are very strict and authoritarian, the child can be less communicative. Usually, you may feel repressed when expressing your feelings, afraid of letting your parents know. You can be firm without leaving affection, this will make the child feel loved and willing to take the suggestions into account.

 Offer you adequate and sufficient help

Helping the child with what he asks can build confidence, but it is not convenient to solve everything without motivating him to do so. Solving a child’s problems can lead to a lack of confidence in his abilities and abilities to do things alone.

Also, it is necessary that their efforts are not criticized, that is a mistake that parents sometimes make. Feedback is a feasible method for children to learn. If we help them they will trust us to ask us for help again, but we must not exaggerate.

Suggest new challenges

Parents can give their children new challenges, as long as they are appropriate to their age and abilities. You can also gradually increase your responsibilities depending on your abilities.

Contrary to what we may think, our children will trust us more as we trust them. Every time we encourage you to take on new challenges, we stimulate your confidence in us.

Stimulate their curiosity

If the child has a concern, when we do not have an answer, it is convenient to invite them to investigate. Even knowing that we can respond, it is always good to stimulate their curiosity, it is something that can be done together.

These types of actions unite us, they allow them to come to us with their doubts, because they will know that we can help them. Although we do not have to answer, it is recommended that we listen to them and show interest in their things.

Life according to your age

Many times there are parents who do not let their children live their stages as they should be. Sometimes they pretend that they behave like adults and this is not the idea because they stunt their growth. We also take away the opportunity to follow their own interests. Experts believe that this can demotivate you to do most of the things that you have to do.

Value their efforts

Accompanying them to solve their problems will allow us to observe how they are struggling. In this sense, it is always important to show them that what they do is valuable. Let us remember that we need them to trust us, for this, it is convenient to show our good disposition.

The important thing is not whether you win or lose, but the effort that has been made. The child should not feel ashamed for trying to do things, they should feel safe and confident.

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