How To Get Children To Like Fish

Does your child keep rejecting fish? We will tell you how to get children to like fish by following some guidelines.
How to get children to like fish

Does your child like fish? If not, you should know that the environment around the table has a lot of influence on tastes and habits. So read on to find out how to get kids to like fish.

Benefits of consuming fish in childhood

First of all, it is useful to know the reasons why fish is beneficial for your health. Its consumption is recommended, at least, 3 or 4 times a week. It is a high-quality protein source, so it helps to maintain good muscle mass.

In addition, it is rich in omega 3 fatty acids , which promote the proper functioning of the brain. They intervene in memory and intellectual development, so necessary during the school stage. It is especially notable with oily fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, etc.

In turn, it provides large amounts of vitamins A and D, which keep the immune system in good condition, especially at the digestive level.

Little girl eating a plate of salmon because she likes fish.

It also contains iodine, a mineral responsible for regulating the production of thyroid hormones that contribute to the proper functioning of energy expenditure. It even contains calcium, potassium and magnesium, essential for the formation of bones and prevention of the risk of ramps and falls due to fractures.

Key points on how to get kids to like fish

The fundamental thing is that  mealtime is a pleasant time and takes place in a place dedicated exclusively to that. For this reason, it is advisable to eliminate any type of distraction that hinders enjoyment or alters the feeling of hunger.

Also, you can take the opportunity to comment on how the day has gone without getting into discussions. Some of the basic rules, in this sense, are:

  • Let him go shopping with you so that he knows the great variety of fish that there are.
  • Let him help you cook or suggest a recipe. You will learn new skills and then you will feel like trying it.
  • Alternate different types of fish, cooking techniques and presentation. Remember there is life beyond frozen fish sticks.
  • Serve him a plate with the amount that he is going to eat, accompanied by some other food that he loves.
  • Forget about masking it, otherwise you will never know if you really like it or not.
  • Make a sauce or use spices and aromatic herbs to enhance its flavor.
  • Allow at least 20-30 minutes to eat quietly without forcing or offering any treats when finished. On the contrary, he will dislike it by rejecting it each time, or he will eat it in a hurry to get that prize. When he is older, this situation will be recorded in his memory.
    Getting kids to like fish will be easier with these guidelines.

    Different ways to include fish in children’s daily lives

    Here are some ideas to cook fish in an attractive and appetizing way. Try to avoid doing it on the grill without further ado or always resort to salads or stuffed eggs with some preserve. Some examples are:

    • Baked fish with vegetables and citrus.
    • Hake or monkfish cake with vegetables.
    • Meatballs, since they give a lot of play and are usually very well accepted.
    • Brandade to use as a filling or to make croquettes.
    • Scrambled eggs with prawns.
    • Hot fish cream, ideal to combat the cold. You can decorate it with diced ham, some pumpkin seeds or sprouts, for example.
    • Fish suquet with potatoes.
    • Tartar or ceviche with vinaigrette.
    • Pasta with grilled or marinera salmon sauce.

      Finally, think that fish contributes to their brain development, so it is highly recommended that you get them to like it by following the guidelines above. Also, remember that it does not matter if the fish is fresh or frozen, as it has the same nutritional properties.

      Food neophobia

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