How To Know If My Child Is A Crystal Child

Do you know what a crystal child is? Your communication skills, empathy, and intelligence can be far superior to normal. Learn here how to identify these traits!
How to know if my child is a crystal child

Mom, first of all we must tell you that a crystal vibration child, or crystal child, is an extraordinary and creative being.

His positive energy makes him a one-of-a-kind person who frames thoughts, actions, and goals in doing good.

His goal in life is to live in harmony with the environment in which he develops and to somehow make those around him do the same.

He doesn’t demand by tantrums; it just shows what you need.

He doesn’t scream; He speaks to you quietly and slowly.

He does not belong to the class of gifted children; but at a much higher and even divine level.

If your child is a crystal child, you have been blessed by the universe. Of that, you can be sure.

Characteristics of a crystal child

According to experts in the field, crystal children have a harmonious and transparent aura like crystal (hence the nickname crystal child) and are human beings who stand out for their purity and lack of ego.

To find out if your child is a crystal vibration child, at you are mom we collect some of the characteristics that you can lean on:

One of the characteristics that defines a crystal child and that differentiates him from the rest of the children is his empathy.

This, it could be said, is out of the ordinary.

He, like no one, gets to assimilate the feelings of another person. He makes any foreign state of mind his own to perceive it in his own flesh.

There are those who describe this process in an esoteric way. As if the mind of the crystal child could enter the soul of the other person to know their emotions in depth.


A crystal child is lonely even when he lives or may be surrounded by other people.

He is a lover of solitude and, in general, prefers spaces where he can avoid direct contact with other humans.

In any context, he does everything to get away and avoid disagreements, problems and confrontations with others.

He is a discreet child and does not speak very much. Educated in his manners even if you haven’t instilled many of them in him.
You’d rather be quiet and keep a low profile than be in danger of being reckless.

A peculiar serenity stands out in him.

The child with crystal vibration is in harmony with his inner self and the environment that surrounds him. For this reason he remains calm and in constant balance.

His way of being makes whoever is next to him perceive the same thing.

His ideas are concise but accurate.

He does not tend to ramble in his opinions.

His intelligence and reasoning could be said to surpass that of other children his age.

The crystal child is extremely sensitive.

He is overwhelmed by knowing violence, lack of love, greed, cruelty, lies, envy…; the negative feelings and actions of others affect you deeply.

This little guy is kind, gentle, sweet, and smooth-tempered.


He is attracted to animals, water sources and nature in general.

He is interested in the environment and likes to know the behavior of the elements of nature.

How do I know if my child is a crystal child?

A crystal child has not infrequently been classified as an autistic child.

Autism is a neurodevelopmental problem characterized by dysfunction in the synapses (connections between neurons).

But very unlike what some believe, the infant with crystal vibration does not live in his inner self, in his own world, as does a child with any of the autism spectrum disorders.

The neurons in his brain are connected as do those of any other child.

A crystal child is only a special being who fills your life with happiness and, according to scholars of the matter, came to Earth to establish peace and spiritual harmony for all.

He is here to change the world, make us achieve our inner peace and enable the human species to live in balance with its environment.

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