How To Overcome Guilt For Leaving You With The Babysitter

Leaving children with the babysitter is sometimes very necessary, but feelings of guilt can come on very quickly. Find out how to deal with them right here!
How to overcome guilt about leaving with the babysitter

The bond you have with your baby is special and unparalleled, so separating from him is a very painful process. This time we will review how to overcome the feeling of guilt for leaving him with the babysitter.

At some point you will have the need to leave your little one in the care of another person to be able to go to fulfill activities such as work, and this is usually a situation that can generate a great feeling of guilt.

The nervousness and guilt is even greater when a woman becomes a mother for the first time, but on some occasions we will inevitably have to resort to the service of a babysitter to fulfill our obligations.

This feeling is completely normal, but for you to feel relieved you must bear in mind that you are not leaving your baby alone, you have only delegated the responsibility of his care for a few hours to someone else.

You are probably doing everything you can to be the best mom in  the world for your son,  but know that separating for a short time will make him less dependent on you. .  

It is important that you know that separating from your baby is a complicated and frustrating process , but if you do not know how to control it, you could transmit insecurity, anxiety and also distrust towards the babysitter.

“The dependence of a baby on its parents is enormous. But the dependence of parents on their baby may be even greater ”


How to reduce the feeling of guilt?

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Seeing your baby’s sad face and his pouting when you leave him with the babysitter is something that breaks the soul of any mother and makes her feel guilty, But don’t worry, with patience and love the two of you can gradually adapt to this new change.

Here are some tips to achieve it in a less traumatic way:

  • Any adaptation process requires time and patience.  For this reason, it is advisable to familiarize the baby with the baby sister  a few days before and if possible for a few hours.
  • Creating a bond between the baby and the caregiver is essential.  During the adaptation, carry your little one in your arms and let him observe her, at some point he will want to play or get close to her.
  • Familiarization process. When you see that the child is comfortable, invites the babysitter to play with him and his favorite toy If he agrees, leave the room and let them interact.
  • Make a good babysitter selection.  Make sure that this person is affectionate, attentive and responsible with children, first of all interview them and ask them questions to get to know them better.  Remember you are leaving your greatest treasure in your care.
  • Communicate  clearly. Express to the baby how much you love him and that you will soon come to pick him up , so that you get him to stay calm and make him feel safe, without feeling abandoned.
  • Say goodbye to him. Be careful to prolong the goodbye or to leave too quickly to avoid make him feel that you disappeared and that he does not have the  protection  from his mommy.

What to do if I’m the one crying for my baby?

Learn to control worry

Dear Mom, we know how you can feel to leave your greatest treasure in the babysitter’s care, but You should know that you are doing your best to get ahead and fulfill your main roles as a mother and worker.

Each family  is different and each one has a different reality, so going out to work or fulfilling any other responsibility it does not make you the worst mom, on the contrary, you are choosing the best future for your baby and your family .

Although you would love to spend all your time taking care of your little one and watching him grow, in many cases circumstances do not allow it, so you must accept it and try to experience this situation as calmly as possible. .

Keep in mind that the first days will be difficult, you will find yourself with a stir of emotions, but as the days go by, everything will go perfectly And the separation process will not be that difficult. S You just have to give yourself time .

All mothers do our best to see our children happy, do not cry when leaving it with the babysitter or place of daily care, every time you feel that you are collapsing remember that you do the best for their well-being

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