How To Overcome The Fear Of Being A Mother

How to overcome the fear of being a mother

Thinking about being a mother often generates feelings that make us doubt and start to be afraid. It is important to know how to overcome this, because it is a great change that happens in our lives and a huge responsibility.

It is not easy for our mentality to change from one day to the next, but yes, we can receive some advice on how to overcome the fear of being a mother. Other parents have been through this experience and they will surely be of great help to us.

Don’t feel bad if you have some fear, this is a totally normal process. So that you can work on it, today we will give you some tips:

Tips on how to overcome the fear of being a mother

1. Fear is normal, especially if you are a newcomer.  In fact, fear in mothers is very common, the important thing is that you think more about the positive things and about the life that you will bring to the world. Also, find out correctly about the costs, what the delivery is like and other related topics.

2. Share your fears with your partner or someone else. It is essential to share doubts, information and everything related to pregnancy, this will make you feel more relaxed.

3. Keep a positive mindset. As we discussed in the previous point, it is important to keep a positive mind for all the good that is about to happen. We know that sometimes the symptoms and pains of pregnancy are not pleasant at all, but it is better to focus on the happiness it will cause you when the process is over.

4. Listen to advice from other mothers. Other mothers will have gone through the process that you are going through, talk to them, communicate your doubts and receive their advice. Also, that will help you prepare better.

5. The fears caused by the issue of food. A study revealed that 37.4% of mothers are afraid to breastfeed their baby. 27% admitted that they do not know how to do it and 25% are afraid that the baby will suffer from colic. It is also important that you inform yourself very well on this subject and are prepared.

6. Health problems also distress mothers, everything is in being well informed. Many mothers fear that their child may come with some illness. How to overcome your fears is to inform yourself correctly and know what is good or bad for your baby.

7. Education and teaching is also scary. The key to how to overcome this fear is to follow your instincts, inform yourself, and follow advice from other parents. Don’t be too mortified, teach him the best values ​​and get experience to improve every day.

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Dads are scared too

Believe it or not, parents are also scared with the arrival of a baby, more than anything, the fear of not having enough money to pay for the needs of the child and their family. What other fears do they have?

1. Dads are scared too, show your support. According to some surveys, half of the men consulted are afraid of being fathers. Your support will be essential for them.

2. Men are frightened by the health of their wife. They fear that something might happen to their wife during pregnancy or childbirth. It is important that he be brave and accompany you throughout the process. This will give you more strength.

3. They want to be the most protective and fear not being so. Now that a new member of the family arrives who will need a lot of protection, they are scared, they fear they are not good enough for this task.

4. The economy of the home is one of your biggest concerns. They fear that they do not have enough income for the delivery, the needs of the home and what the baby needs. We must maintain communication so that they feel our support.

5. Their children’s education also worries them. They want their children to get the best education and values. It is positive to receive advice from other parents and always be informed.

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The fear of being mothers is totally normal and can happen to all of us. The important thing is that you are well informed, receive advice from other parents and maintain good energy for the next arrival of your baby. It is a great gift that you will receive and a blessing that you will want forever.

Being a mother does not offer a salary, but a reward

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