How To Recover Physically After Childbirth

Postpartum is a stage in which your body has to recover from all the changes it has experienced during pregnancy. In this article, you will see how you can physically recover after childbirth.
How to physically recover after childbirth

Once you return home with your baby, you may have many doubts. One of them is how to physically recover after childbirth. It is important to understand that your body, during pregnancy, has undergone a lot of changes  and that, to return to its initial state, the first thing you need is time, in addition to taking care of yourself.

It should be borne in mind that postpartum is the period of time from the delivery of the placenta (delivery), until the body returns to the initial state prior to pregnancy, and lasts approximately 6 to 8 weeks.

Do I have to vary my diet?

In the postpartum period, and especially if you breastfeed your baby, your body’s energy demand is increased and it is very likely that you will need to increase the amount of kilocalories in your diet.

These changes depend on your weight and physical condition prior to pregnancy, but also on the weight gain during it. Ideally, you should consult with your healthcare professional of reference to advise you appropriately, taking into account your nutritional and health status.

These are some recommendations when it comes to eating a healthy and balanced diet during your postpartum period:

  • Now you can consume foods that were not recommended during pregnancy (undercooked meat, cream cheeses …), but you must take into account their nutritional value and if they are part of a balanced diet. In many cases, these foods are high in fat and their consumption is not recommended.
  • When it comes to cooking, there are different alternatives that allow you to do it lightly without adding fat to the food: steamed, in the oven, grilled … Avoid frying the food.
  • To add flavor to your dishes, try spices as an alternative to sauces.
  • Limit the salt intake in your diet. Use iodized salt.
    How to recover physically after childbirth.
  • Consume five servings of fruit a day, and two of vegetables or greens.
  • Use olive oil to cook food as an alternative to butter or other oils.
  • Avoid the consumption of precooked and industrial foods, as they are high in salt, sugar and fat.
  • Eat foods rich in calcium: dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt…), green leafy vegetables (spinach, chard…).
  • Eat foods rich in fiber to avoid constipation.
  • Drink plenty of water (minimum two liters a day). Avoid sodas and sugary drinks and alcohol consumption if you breastfeed.

The importance of rest

Rest is essential to physically recover after delivery. A newborn baby is very demanding, he needs to be with his mother at all times and this can be exhausting. To be able to rest during the postpartum period, you can follow any of these recommendations:

  • Rest and sleep when the baby does. Babies don’t understand night and day like adults; they have their own sleep rhythm and this can be exhausting. Ideally, you should take advantage of your baby’s sleep times to take a little nap or simply lie down for a while.
  • Sleep close to your baby at night, especially if you breastfeed. If you are close, you won’t be as upkeep when breastfeeding, feeding, or soothing. Co-sleeping can be a good alternative, check with your midwife.
  • Delegate tasks. This is essential, since you not only have a baby that totally demands your care, but you have to recover yourself.

Physical exercise to physically recover after delivery

Postpartum is a recovery period in which your body has to adapt to the changes it has experienced, and return to its initial state prior to pregnancy.

Ideally, you should restart physical exercise once postpartum is over. Meanwhile, walking is the recommended exercise par excellence.

  • Don’t do sit-ups, as increased intra-abdominal pressure damages your pelvic floor. To exercise this area, you can perform hypopressive abdominal gymnastics, always in the hands of a qualified professional.
  • Swimming is one of the most complete sports. Once you have finished the loquios, you can practice it without problems. In addition, there are centers that teach midwifery classes so you can go with your baby.
  • Avoid doing physical impact exercise, that is, in which you “bounce” on the ground (running, zumba, step …) since, like the abdominals, it damages your pelvic floor.
    How to recover physically after childbirth.
  • When you exercise, gradually increase the intensity.  Remember that during pregnancy your physical capacity has undergone changes and now you must adapt to them. Don’t force yourself.
  • Perform Kegel exercises to improve and strengthen your pelvic floor and to prevent urinary incontinence.

These recommendations will be of great help when it comes to physically recovering after childbirth and will make the change to mom much easier. Of course: if you have any questions, consult your midwife or healthcare professional of reference.

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