How To Stimulate And Maintain Illusion In Children

Maintaining the illusion in childhood and in the long term is necessary for the proper development of any child. We give you some keys to achieve it.
How to stimulate and maintain the illusion in children

If you look at the eyes of a child, you can discover a great deal of illusion in them. It is as it grows that that special glow of illusion is lost. Therefore, it is important that parents are aware of how to stimulate and maintain the illusion in the little ones. The illusion has nothing to do with materialism and being happy to have gotten a new toy. This type of illusion goes much further.

Illusion in childhood

Illusion occurs when children feel hope in some way ; they feel that there is something in their lives that generates positive feelings. It can be a project, something they want to do, a family outing … Something they really want and that just thinking about it makes them feel good. This illusion must be nurtured because it goes hand in hand with motivation and happiness.

The innocent illusion

On the other hand, in childhood we can also find ourselves with innocent illusion. This occurs when the little ones, through the fantasy that occupies their mind, are able to really believe in fairy and fantasy worlds, which allows their creativity and imagination to continue to develop correctly.

Mom smiling next to her son.

This illusion is not at all negative, nor should it be eradicated. It is part of their development and is necessary for their cognitive evolution. What matters is that there is no imposition on these beliefs and that it is they who, through their own imagination, begin to imagine fantastic worlds that fill them with illusion.

Stimulate and maintain the illusion in children

To stimulate and maintain this illusion in children, it is important to educate them through the goals, mistakes and learning that they provide us. Perseverance and perseverance can help keep that spark of illusion alive so that it continues to grow. It can be done through words of encouragement, games, stories, with family activities, etc. In addition, the following points must be taken into account.

Boost self-esteem

When self-esteem is boosted to face challenges, children increase their confidence. This self-esteem will help them to have more enthusiasm for things through confidence in their own abilities.

On the other hand, when we are dealing with children with low self-esteem, they will be young with fear and insecurity, aspects that will take away their illusion, that will make them believe that they are not capable of doing things better and any attempt to improve will be canceled.

Unconditional support to maintain the illusion

All children should feel that they have unconditional support by their side. They must feel it from their parents because they are the most important people in their life to them. When they feel supported, they can increase that feeling of confidence, both in themselves and in others. This will help them feel that they are capable of doing what they set out to do, as long as they put in the time and effort.

Learn from mistakes and experience

Mother learning to stimulate and maintain the illusion in children

Errors can be our best teachers, as long as we know how to see and value them correctly. In fact, mistakes are part of our experience. For this reason, parents must convey to their children that things are not always the way we want them to be or the objectives are not achieved the first time. And nothing happens, because that helps us to realize what we have to improve.

In this way, the little ones will learn that failure should not be feared, but rather respect it, consider it a teacher and learn from it. In this way, even if they make mistakes, they will continue to maintain that important illusion throughout their lives.

As you can see, maintaining and stimulating the illusion in children is essential, not only so that their motivation for things remains alive, but because it is also necessary in their development. In this way, they will be able to have better self-esteem and more confidence in themselves and in their own abilities.

In addition, they will feel that mistakes are not a difficulty, but an opportunity to do things better. They will not have problems with tolerance for frustration because they will have realized that obstacles are part of the way, but they are not the problem when you have enthusiasm and perseverance to achieve what you set out to do.

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