How Two Apples Can Explain What Bullying Is

Bullying is one of the main problems that children have to face on a daily basis. We explain a practical way to teach your children what bullying is … with apples!
How two apples can explain what bullying is

Today there are more and more cases of bullying or bullying. This dangerous phenomenon that is frequently found in schools and institutes. In addition, it causes a lot of damage to the victim. Worse still, in some cases it can end in suicide. A British teacher, Rosie Dutton, from London, used the apple method to explain bullying and make children understand it. In this article we are going to see what this method consists of.

Children who are bullied have serious psychological problems that affect their daily lives. It generates an anguish that sometimes they do not believe they are capable of overcoming. Moreover, the boys who cause verbal or physical harassment do not understand that they can do a lot of damage. This is why parents and educators must teach how important it is not to harm their peers.

What is the apple method to explain bullying?

Rosie Dutton, a British teacher at the Relax Kids school in London, used this particular method to explain to her students how bullying affects others.

To explain how insults and slights affect them, the teacher picked up two identical apples, but one of them (only she knew which it was), she threw on the ground several times. When class started, she showed the two apples that were identical on the outside. Then he told them that one of them was ugly and he didn’t like it. So, the boys did the same: they said “you’re ugly” “you smell bad.” Meanwhile, they said kind and beautiful words to the other block: “what a beautiful skin you have”, “you are an adorable apple”.

For a week the children could say ugly things to one of the apples and to the other beautiful things. After seven days, the teacher cut both apples in half. The one that had received praise and positive comments was white and juicy, while the other looked beaten and marred. The educator told them:

One of the girls in the class refused to say ugly things to the apple. The teacher used this to say: “you have to be like her, because you have the ability to prevent any apple from spoiling inside. “

The children with the apples got the idea. If they hurt other kids, they can hurt them a lot. And even if it is not visible from the outside, the inside can be very damaged.

Action by parents and educators is important to end bullying

Education, if it goes hand in hand with creativity, is much more effective. But it doesn’t just have to happen in schools; It is just as important to use these strategies at home to train better people and citizens.

Parents and educators have the possibility to put a stop to harmful behaviors of some children with others. We can and should teach young people that it is not okay to say nasty things to anyone. We can do a lot of damage, and even if it doesn’t seem like it on the outside, it could happen like apples, which are being destroyed inside.

You have to educate them in respect and teach them to always put themselves in the place of the other so that they show empathy. We can stop those children who insult, and that is by refusing to follow in their footsteps and say bad words to others. Boys have to support each other in the face of bullying.

Bullying causes more and more pain and damage internally to the children who suffer it. Those guys are broken inside. We all have to do our part to stop bullying. Parents and educators must join forces to create a generation of caring and good children.

Despite the fact that today there is a lot of information about bullying and how it can affect a person’s life, the number of cases of bullying, as well as its consequences, is becoming more alarming.

The tongue has no bones, but it is strong enough to break a heart.

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