I Am A Baptism Godfather!

Many times people fail to recognize the real commitment of being baptismal godparents. It means being a friend, model, and confidant to your godchildren, as well as a special advisor to your parents.
I'm a christening godfather!

One of the greatest expectations that close friends or relatives of new parents have is to be a baptismal godfather. It is a lifelong joy that only the dearest have the privilege of enjoying.

In many cases, as soon as a couple knows that they are going to have a baby, they start looking for the baptism godparents. You must choose well who will be that person who will help you introduce your baby to the Christian life.

In addition, it is said that the godfather and godmother are the ones who would take the place of the parents if they were to be absent. This important appointment is for an indefinite period ; therefore, it is often difficult to find the right people.

What is the function of the baptism sponsor?

The baptism godfather is usually the person who will take care of the baby in case his parents are not there. In some painful cases, this is so.

However, the reality goes beyond that. The baptismal godfather has the duty to ensure the Catholic education of his godson. He has to lead him on the path of good by setting an example.

In addition, the baptism godfather must be the one who has a desire to belong to the child’s life. You have to help him meet his goals, celebrate his achievements, and accompany his parents at decisive moments.

It is not always necessary for the sponsor to be a relative, since this person will also be part of the family.  He must be a firm-minded person, responsible for his actions and interested in walking alongside the child in his development.

The baptism godfather agrees to accompany his godson throughout his life.

With such a responsibility falling on your shoulders, it is important not to be afraid. You must be confident and confident in the role you are going to play ; In this way, you will perform it in the best possible way and will be able to accompany your godson on the right path.

The Church recommends that sponsors for baptism set the example of living as good Christians and regularly attending mass. They should also remember the daily prayers to their godchildren and give them religious gifts, such as a Bible or a rosary.

Requirements to be a baptism godfather

The Catholic Church asks as a first requirement that the person chosen as sponsor be over eighteen years of age. This will ensure that they are mature enough to fulfill that role.  However, some exceptions have been known.

Likewise, you must be a Catholic, have received First Communion, have completed Confirmation, and lead a life of faith. It would be very difficult to instill in a child a path that is unknown.

Parents are not allowed to baptize their children; not even a person who has been canonically penalized. They must be believers and not belong to any sect or other religious denomination.

There is the exception that the parish priest allows the baptismal sponsor to be his older brother, less than fifteen years old. It is necessary that you have made your First Communion or are preparing to do it.

This is often favorable, since they live under the same roof and are more involved.  When the moment of Confirmation of the child comes, the godparents can stay or change.

Being a baptism sponsor is a responsibility and an honor.

Strategies for Christening Groomsmen

There are some strategies or activities that can help the baptism sponsor to carry out his role in a satisfactory way. First, good traditions can be established, such as rewarding for a good grade, going out to eat for their birthday, or going to the park or for a walk.

In addition, at the christening, the godfather could write a letter to his godson confirming his unconditional support for both him and his parents. In it, he should also be grateful for such an honorable responsibility and accept it with open hands.

The sponsor’s visits should generally be focused on his godson. That he feels important and supported not only materially, but also personally.

The important thing really is to carry out this arduous task with the will to do it well, loving and supporting the godson in all his moments, good or bad. The sponsor should be part of your family and be involved in parenting.

The figure of the godparents: what is their role?

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