I Am A Father And I Am Proud Of My Children

All parents educate children with the intention that they will be successful people tomorrow. However, the most important thing is that they feel proud of their children for their qualities as a person and their attitude towards life.
I am a father and I am proud of my children

Being a parent is one of the most beautiful and interesting experiences in life. Similarly, over time,  being proud of children is also a unique sense of honor for parents.

However, sometimes it is not easy to figure out how to let children know that, as parents, we are proud of them.  Consequently, a difficult equation to solve can be presented.

In any case, you should know that very few expressions of praise can negatively affect children. On the contrary, too much flattery can cause them to become arrogant.

Striking the balance in finding the appropriate praise and expressions of pride for our children’s successes can be quite difficult. So we’ve put together a list of tips for finding the right approach in giving the appropriate praise during the little one’s efforts and accomplished goals.

I am a father and I am proud of my children

Being proud of your children  has nothing to do with achieving something extraordinary or special. Pride comes from seeing the fruits of our work as parents over the years.

Certainly  this comforting feeling lies in seeing each step children take toward maturity,  knowing that they are much closer to self-reliance. It is about recognizing the good things they do throughout life.

As a parent, you work tirelessly and with great care to provide your children with the tools they need to be successful,  and even to accomplish the feats and challenges they set for themselves. Therefore, reaching this instance of satisfaction and pride is, without a doubt, a magical and insurmountable moment.

I am a father and I am proud of my children for their achievements and their attitude towards life.

Proud parent, happier children

Being proud of your children and encouraging them in their actions has a very positive effect on their self-esteem;  it becomes fuel for children and represents a source of optimism.

For a child to get the best of himself, it is important that parents show their appreciation and highlight good actions and progress, taking into account their weaknesses and strengths.

To find a balance between parental pride and extreme competitiveness, it is important to regularly reflect on your child’s strengths and share your findings so that each day’s success can be a source of motivation.

How can you show your children that you are proud of them?

Although sometimes it is difficult to show the pride you feel for your children, you can take into account the following tips to do it properly:

  • Praise your child for the things that matter.
  • Praise the process  more than the result.
  • Remember the obstacles you have had to overcome to achieve something.
  • Express confidence and appreciation  in their abilities.
  • Keeping their expressions of pride in context is important,  although you shouldn’t overdo it.
  • Compliments are best offered and received when they are close to achievement.  Therefore, we recommend choosing the right moment.
  • It can be easy for a parent to focus a child’s expressions of pride on others. Do not forget that you should focus on it, without making comparisons.

Words that every child should hear

Children learn basically in two fundamental ways: by observing the actions of their parents and by listening to their words. Here are some of the best words a parent should say to their child:

“I’m proud of you”

If you are proud of your child and want to tell them so, don’t forget that words must be genuine and sincere to have true meaning. Without a doubt, each child does something that gives parents reason to be proud.

“You are very good at …”

Absolutely every child on the planet is good at something. If you notice that the child has a special facility for some activity, it is very good that you recognize his abilities.

Parents must be involved in education if they want their children to get good grades in school.

“You were created for something special”

Through these words, you will provide your child with an optimistic vision and curiosity for the future. It is not always necessary to wait until they are teenagers to start projecting the future with your child. Start early and encourage him to think about who he wants to become when he grows up.

Finally, you should keep in mind that a motivated child who sees his progress favorably has more confidence in him and, ultimately, will be happier. In addition, the true pride that a father should aspire to is not having a son superior to others, but making him a happy person.

Educating from experience, keys for parents

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