I Enjoy Taking Care Of My Baby At Home

I enjoy taking care of my baby at home

Many women go to work every day for the economic well-being of their family and for the development of their professional careers, however, most still say that they enjoy taking care of their baby at home. The role of mother is usually combined with that of a housewife, a somewhat undervalued job, but of great social importance for all times.

Those mothers who have to go out to work every day are fulfilling a very important role in their family, but most of them would surely prefer to stay at home with their little ones. Work is the main cause of abandonment of breastfeeding and is also the first reason for separation between mother and child ; it is also the reason why nurseries and early schooling exist.

However, caring for children at home is the main role of women in all societies, even with the rise of female labor participation, the priority continues to be the home and the family. Taking care of children at home is a decision, but it is also an obligation that not many can escape; in any case, it can be a very satisfying job.

Nothing like babysitting at home

Most mothers could agree that if it were possible, we would change any job or activity just for the sole fact of staying forever on the lookout for our little ones.

It is common for personal aspirations to succumb to motherhood only by nature, our mentality changes once the baby is born and we would give up what we do not have, so that we do not have to separate for a second from him.

Sometimes need forces us to separate from our children prematurely, but this is something that most of us would like to change. Although it is possible that children receive the best care and education in day care or grandparents, we mothers will always have the initiative to take care of this on our own.


Late motherhood is also a reflection of the feminine instinct that warns that everything will change after the children are born. We know that if we become mothers, we will have the inescapable commitment to stay home to enjoy motherhood ; That is why many women take the opportunity to do everything they can on a personal level before deciding to have children.

Some social prejudices, more recently have encouraged women to emancipate themselves and seek their personal development; which is why many do not approve of the fact that we should stay home to be mothers. However, this does not imply that they do not enjoy their motherhood and do not long to be more involved with the home.

Another factor against it is that we probably do not enjoy the help to take care of the little ones, for which we have sacrificed personal goals in the hands of this important work. Although our dreams have been destroyed, children have the power to change our minds and allow us to enjoy every moment with them.

Let’s guarantee enjoyment

Being at home all day caring for children is a role that can also be exhausting, sometimes frustrating and disappointing; This happens when we stop seeing positive results, we become routine and we know that it is not being valued. That we are housewives does not mean that we are automatons, capable of giving everything without rest and that nothing can bring us down.


In this aspect, the support of the partner is as important as it is our creativity. It is convenient to give ourselves some personal time, create guidelines that allow the independence of children in some activities, promote a climate of harmony, where it is not possible for us to feel irritated or without strength.

To enjoy our work as a mother who takes care of her children at home, it is necessary that we can have fun, rest and be ourselves. It is essential that we maintain balance in all aspects of our lives, although children make us happy just by existing, we must remember that we are also women and that we need to lay solid foundations for when the time comes for the chicks to leave the nest.

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