I Want To Be A Mother, But I’m Afraid

The fear of the consequences and situations of pregnancy, childbirth and, ultimately, motherhood, are normal. The pressure of the social environment or the experiences of friends and acquaintances can decisively influence the future mother. How should you act?
I want to be a mother, but I'm afraid

The fear of being a mother is a psychological phenomenon much more frequent than you might think. Many women experience that feeling that stands between their desire and the decision to become a mother. And that decision will radically change their lives forever.

To this type of fear is added an additional complication: social pressure and the family environment. But, what is this fear of motherhood due to and how to overcome it? Next, we will see some elements to better understand this topic.

Why are many women afraid of being mothers?

Many women want to be mothers, but they are afraid. It is a fairly common phenomenon that we should not be too concerned about. N or However, there are some guidelines to follow.

When a woman learns that she is pregnant it is possible that the emotional impact of the news, even if it is an intended pregnancy, is the cause of great suffering and anguish. The feelings at that time are often ambiguous.

The reasons for feeling that fear can be many and very different. Generally they are usually associated with the fear of the arrival of something unknown that will completely change a woman’s life forever. Many times the fear is also given by the worry of not being prepared  or not being able to assume that enormous responsibility.

But the reason may also be related to the sentimental situation with the partner or the economic situation, among others. In that case, it must be analyzed whether the environmental conditions are good for the arrival of a baby.

The desire to be a mother

The first thing a woman going through this situation should ask herself is if she really wants that pregnancy. Some women may confuse fear of being a mother with not wanting it.

Desire to be a mother.

Sometimes women do not dare to think about this possibility, that of not wanting to conceive, and this is due to the pressure of a society that still has many macho traits and their own education. It is taken for granted that every woman must go through this experience, regardless of her will. There is also the belief that all women are ready to be mothers and that the maternal instinct will surface as soon as the baby arrives. And that is not necessarily so.

Therefore, the first thing a woman should do is ask herself if she really wants to be a mother. And, in that case, it is necessary to analyze the possible causes of the fear of motherhood and the ways to overcome it.

Fear of medical complications

Many women fear motherhood because of the potential medical complications associated with pregnancy and childbirth. It can also happen that there is a fear of dying or the baby dying. This is due to an irrational overestimation of the danger.

In most countries, medical care during pregnancy and delivery is carried out under conditions that guarantee a minimal risk of complications. In this case, one of the things that helps a lot for the expectant mother to feel calmer is to find all the necessary information about the existing sanitary conditions. This usually brings great relief.

What if I’m not ready?

This is one of the most common questions before making the decision to become a mother. Many women view motherhood as a highly skilled task  and fear that they will not live up to those demands.

She wants to be a mother but does not know if she is ready.

Women are afraid of not being able to take care of the baby and putting it in danger. The role of mother is seen as something totally unknown and that will transform your daily life completely. That uncertainty can be very scary.

The best thing to alleviate this fear is to talk with close and trusted people who have already been parents to learn about their experience. It may also be a good idea to approach children from the family environment to “train” before the moment arrives.

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Although most women who are afraid of being mothers manage to overcome it on their own, each case is different and the degree of intensity of the fear of being a mother can vary greatly from one woman to another. In the event that the anguish is very great and the woman cannot do it alone, it is advisable to seek the support of a professional who can help overcome that fear.

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