Is It Dangerous To Take Paracetamol In Pregnancy?

Is it dangerous to take paracetamol in pregnancy?

During the gestation process, we must be very careful with what we eat. Certain medications, like alcoholic beverages and some foods, can be dangerous to the health of the fetus. Until recently, taking paracetamol in pregnancy was considered risk-free, but recent studies cast doubt on this fact.

The drug has the ability to cross the placenta and therefore reach the baby. This, in turn, will be  unable to metabolize it. If acetaminophen is abused in pregnancy, the consequences could be truly catastrophic.

According to the University of Edinburgh, prolonged intake of the pain reliever can cause irreversible problems in baby boys. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health, for its part, suggests that the psychomotricity of the fetus, whatever its gender, could be affected by the same cause.

Testicular cancer, infertility or abnormal neuronal development are just some of the risks that we may be subjecting our son to without knowing it. The doctor should be the one to tell us when and how to take it. Your advice and recommendations will be the most appropriate.

Other risks of taking paracetamol in pregnancy

There are in turn another class of studies that have linked the abuse of paracetamol with future conduct disorders. Institutions such as the University of California and the University of Aarhus support this information after testing samples of up to 64,000 mothers and their children.

It is advisable to control the amount of paracetamol ingested during pregnancy.

Development of ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder could be one of the consequences of an exaggerated intake of the drug. Based on the results of the sample cited above, the baby is 13 to 37 percent more likely to have ADHD.

Premature delivery

It can occur, especially in women with preeclampsia. It also increases the risk of suffering a deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary thromboembolism, especially if the pregnant woman has already suffered from it before. In these cases it is really necessary that there is a control by the doctor, since the mother’s health could be in serious danger.

Childhood asthma and other allergies

The risk of asthma due to continued use of paracetamol in the prenatal period is up to 35 percent higher. The possibility increases if paracetamol in pregnancy has been ingested during the last two trimesters.

How do I know what kinds of medicines I can take?

Although your doctor will be the one in charge of informing you, there are a series of classifications that help us identify which of them are safe. The best known is the one carried out by the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration). It is responsible for grouping drugs into five different categories, from lowest to highest risk for the baby.

A pregnant woman should only take the medications that her doctor recommends.

1.- Category A

If a drug is within this typology, you can take it with peace of mind. There is no risk to you or the fetus. Numerous human studies prove it, making it completely reliable.

2.- Category B

In this case, the investigations have been carried out in animals that have not presented negative effects. They are quite safe, although as with the intake of paracetamol in pregnancy, it is better to consult your doctor.

3.- Category C

There is still not enough information for this class of drugs . It is not known if they can be good or bad, so it is advisable not to ingest them. Unless the situation is extreme and specific, no pregnant woman should take them.

4.- Category D

In category D are drugs that  have caused a harmful reaction in the fetus. Taking them is prohibited, except when strictly necessary. There are cases in which the life of the mother depends on the drug and there is no other option.

5.- Category X

Its use is completely harmful to the fetus. Numerous studies and experiments show it, so we should never take them during pregnancy. If so, we could cause irreversible damage to the embryo.

Although it may seem silly, taking paracetamol in pregnancy without a prescription can be very dangerous. The same is true for most medications, which can cause really serious problems. Both the health of the mother and the baby are at stake, so we must think before making any decision that may have irreversible effects.

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