Is It Difficult To Find Work While Pregnant?

Every day, women are more financially independent and their desire to improve drives them, even while pregnant, to seek employment. However, they are not that simple: sometimes, they are not awarded precisely for that reason.
Is it difficult to find a job while pregnant?

In the past 25 years, women have made significant gains in joining the workforce and have demonstrated employability skills that were once reserved only for men. However, everything changes when she is unable to find work while pregnant.

Although today there is more equality in terms of opportunities, for a pregnant woman the possibilities decrease. The reason is that for the boss or employer, the fact of using it would have a series of consequences for both the future mother and the company.

When talking about consequences for the future mother, reference is made to her health and that of her son; she must maintain harmony between her body and her environment, allowing her to live as calmly as possible from day to day.

In this sense, the close interrelation between various systems – central nervous, endocrine and immune – encourages any alteration in the mother to affect the healthy development of the baby.

Why is it difficult to find a job while pregnant?

Finding a job while pregnant is difficult because for some people, pregnancy could decrease performance, which would not be profitable at all. 

In addition, depending on the profession of the expectant mother, the job can be considered risky for her condition. This could lead to many legal problems for the employer.

On the other hand, there are the consequences that the boss or employer fears when employing a pregnant woman; among them, the granting of licenses for reasons of control and care inherent to their state.

Despite the obstacles that a pregnant woman faces, she has all her right to work for reasons of improvement, personal growth and independence ; the reward is both emotional and financial.

Some psychologists have observed that work builds a stronger bond between women and reality; For this reason,  some choose not to have children, since they cannot afford to leave their professional work.

It is known that finding a job while pregnant is very difficult for a number of reasons.

Rights that protect a pregnant woman at work

Finding a job while pregnant is known to be very difficult for the reasons mentioned above. However, if you are already employed and are on tape, you should know what your rights are.

Depending on the country where you are, these may vary. Basically, they are mostly based on the following principles:

Adapt the future mother to an activity according to her condition and training

The working conditions must be in accordance with the professional category of women, never diminishing their job position.

Grant maternity leave

This is one of the primary rights of pregnant women ; It consists of approximately sixteen continuous weeks. After delivery, the woman should enjoy a break of at least 6 weeks.

Dismissal for pregnancy is inadmissible

Once the employer finds out about the pregnancy status of the worker, this cannot be grounds for dismissal, under any circumstances.

Special treatment for high-risk pregnancy

The expectant mother may require special considerations if her pregnancy is high risk. To do this, you must verify this condition with a medical report.

In addition, in some cases, you are entitled to a social benefit;  this must be equivalent to one hundred percent of the salary.

Permits to attend prenatal care

The obstetrician specialist has the power to summon the pregnant woman as many times as he deems necessary; therefore, the boss or employer must grant permission to attend the controls without this being a deductible in the salary.

Job layoffs for becoming pregnant can cause great stress for women.

For all the rights mentioned above and others that will depend on the law that governs your country, finding a job while pregnant is a bit complicated. Most companies are not willing to hire a woman in these conditions due to the large number of implications that would directly influence their performance.

In any job, the physical and mental state of the future pregnant woman is compromised, as far as effort and exhaustion are concerned. Therefore, your applications are unattractive for the available jobs.

An excellent option today is to work from home. There are many, many online platforms that hire professionals to do the work they are supposed to do in an office from their homes. Being at home, you will be able to better manage your time and continue to develop professionally until your body and baby are ready to face a new job with you.

How to work from home and take care of your child at the same time

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