Is It Safe To Use Laxatives During Pregnancy?

Is it safe to use laxatives during pregnancy?

The doubts that arise in pregnancy are very diverse. They usually have to do with health issues, because the expectant mother cannot take all kinds of medications. In this sense, what to do if we suffer from constipation and need to use laxatives.

As we know, many episodes of constipation occur in pregnancy, which is why sometimes we need to intervene. Natural recommendations can temporarily alleviate this situation. However, it is normal for us to be afraid of even taking natural remedies.

Food and good hydration are part of the solution to this problem. Even so, in some cases it is necessary to go to specific products such as laxatives. First of all, it is advisable to go to the doctor and follow his instructions.

Can I use laxatives if I am pregnant?

In the event that it is necessary to use laxatives, the most important thing is to consult your doctor before making any decisions. Most likely, this will indicate a product that is safe during pregnancy. Some drugs have been tested, so their prescription may be contraindicated during pregnancy. Therefore, we should never take those that warn about this fact on their packaging.

When the doctor indicates a laxative, it is because he considers that it is harmless for the fetus and / or the pregnancy process as such. In most cases, it is a product whose effect is mild. Milk of magnesia is used for these purposes, without representing a greater risk.

Another gentle product for sensitive individuals requiring relief from constipation is Metamucil. Metamucil is more powerful and specific than milk of magnesia; however, it is still considered safe. In addition to these, there is also the option of softening the stool by means of docusate-based products.

The most common medications used during pregnancy are: Fiberall, Citrucil, Senekot, and Colace. Cod liver oil is not recommended in these cases because it intervenes in the reabsorption of nutrients.

Doctors will evaluate whether a stronger laxative is necessary. In the event that none of the above have worked as expected, the physician may change the plan.

Either way, it is not advisable to abuse the use of laxatives during pregnancy. The consequences of laxation drastically is that diarrhea can occur. Diarrhea at this stage can cause significant fluid loss. First of all, in pregnancy it is advisable to prevent constipation.

Natural laxatives recommended in pregnancy


As we have said before, the key to remedying constipation is preventing it. To avoid these episodes it is recommended to improve our diet. Incorporate foods rich in fiber into the diet, preferring the consumption of whole fruits and vegetables, which give more volume to the stool.

Hydration is also key in this regard. It is advisable to drink about 10 glasses of water a day, in addition to increasing fluids through juices and soups. As for liquids, we must avoid excess coffee and beverages that contain caffeine. Lack of hydration causes the intestine to reabsorb fluid from the stool, making it harder.

If changes in our eating routine do not improve the situation, there are always natural remedies that can help. Here we propose some options.

  • One or two glasses of warm water in the morning, help improve intestinal transit. To this water we can add lemon juice and honey, to achieve better results.
  • The consumption of fruits such as grapes, melons and oranges also contribute to the supply of water and fiber. It is especially recommended the intake of prunes in different versions
  • Ginger infusions are appropriate for most intestinal problems. Using ginger powder incorporated in other foods is also an option
  • Consuming yogurt daily relieves constipation naturally. Cheese can also contribute to the solution
  • Papaya is a fruit that doctors always recommend to promote bowel movement. This fruit contains elements that promote digestion
  • Exercise is a great ally to support the digestive system. A walk of one hour a day is highly recommended in these cases.

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