Knowing The Brain Of Gifted Children

Gifted children are characterized by getting excellent grades and learning quickly and without much help. However, these characteristics do not make them smarter than the others.
Knowing the brain of gifted children

Most parents consider their children to be gifted, but the truth is that not all children are. There are different social prototypes or beliefs about gifted children. So, the question begs: Is there any way to know what happens in the brains of gifted children today?

How does the brain of gifted children work?

It is thought that by the age of six the brains of gifted children already have the same IQ as one of thirty or even older. Your brain is also estimated to work faster.

On the other hand, some research suggests that the cerebral cortex of a gifted child grows more slowly than that of a normal child. In this way, in a gifted child, it would reach its maximum thickness at eleven, instead of six years of age.

This implies that the brain of a gifted child grows over a longer period of time. However, the physical processes that influence the brain of a gifted person remain a mystery.

Important Considerations About Gifted Children

Certain analyzes have shown that the neurons in a gifted child have a higher number of connections with the memory area and the problem-solving area.

Some researchers have concluded that the brain of gifted children is more malleable.  That is, it can be easily adapted.

The brain of gifted children remains, in part, a mystery to be solved.

Other studies attribute intelligence to genetics. So if a child is gifted, often other family members can be as well.

Some theories go so far as to place the IQ at a certain number, implying that intelligence lies in this number. However, IQ is not everything. Likewise, it is necessary to recognize that an intelligent or precocious child is not the same as a gifted child.

Can I know if my child is gifted?

As already mentioned, intelligence is not the only factor that must be taken into consideration to identify a gifted person. These other qualities are often added: creativity, persistence, and motivation.

Main characteristics of gifted children

Knowing if a child is gifted is not always easy, even for parents. By being observant, parents can perceive certain signals in their children that help them distinguish them as gifted:

  • They are very creative and very original. Not only when it comes to artistic or plastic activities. Also in games, ideas and methods.
  • They have an extensive vocabulary. Their first full sentences appear when other children of the same age barely utter words. In addition, they can easily master multiple languages.
  • They have a prodigious memory, coming to remember very well much of what they learn.
  • They have good attention span and concentrate easily.
  • They are quite restless. So in many cases it is often confused with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. However, what happens is that for them the classes are extremely boring and slow as they learn more quickly.
  • They are attracted early to social and moral issues. They are sensitive to inequalities and injustices. They are concerned about wars, pollution, domestic violence, and other social problems.
  • They are usually quite empathetic.
The brain of gifted children is a mystery.

Specific recommendations to keep in mind

It should be noted that if the brain of gifted children does not receive the necessary stimulus, it will not develop optimally and can go unnoticed.

In short, there is no exact formula to detect whether your child is gifted or not. In fact, the same experts in the field do not know everything that happens specifically in the brain of gifted children.

On the other hand, the aforementioned traits are not all or the only ones in order to determine whether a child is gifted or not. Therefore, it is necessary for parents to turn to professionals in case of suspecting giftedness in a child.

What is clear is that gifted children require all the love, support and understanding that parents can give them. So you can help your child have a happy childhood.

Children with high intellectual abilities

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