Language Between 1-2 Years Of Age

What is the language like between 1-2 years of age? We talk about the characteristics of language in children who are in this evolutionary stage at the normative level. However, we always remember that each specific case must be analyzed in a personalized way.
Language between 1-2 years of age

Language is the most powerful communicative tool of the human being. Through it (of different types) we express our desires, exchange opinions, interact, express our concerns … And we also grow and mature. But what is language like between 1-2 years of age? At the normative level, we can say that the year is “the year of the first word”.

In addition, at this age the so-called “holophrase” also appears, that is, using a word to refer to a general idea. But what else characterizes language at these ages? How is expression and understanding at this age? And the use of language?

We talk about all this and, in addition, we offer some final tips  to stimulate the development of language in a useful and fun way. Do not miss it!

Mother talking to her baby through the maternity.

Language between 1-2 years of age

So, we will talk about what language is like between 1-2 years of age in children; yes, always from a normative point of view (what most children do at those ages).

Sometimes there are children who take a little longer to say the first words, to communicate, to understand … And that does not always have to be a sign of alarm; Everything will depend on the case, which must be evaluated rigorously and globally.

That is to say, what we are going to explain is at an orientation level, but it will always be advisable to go to a specialist in case of observing a small delay in the development of our child’s language.

How is the expression of the language between 1-2 years?

At the expressive level, the 1-2 year old child uses a variety of sounds and gestures to communicate. It is the stage of the holophrase, in which, with a word, they express a broader idea. For example, they say “water” to refer to: “mom, dad, I want water” .

The language between 1-2 years is characterized, in addition, because the child is capable of repeating up to 20 words (at a year and a half, approximately). When this stage is finished, the little one will begin to match two words and will have a vocabulary of approximately 50 words.

How is understanding?

Understanding in language between 1-2 years of age is as follows: the child understands simple commands, such as “give me”, “take”, “come” … In addition, it recognizes parts of the body, as well as simple images. He also understands the famous “no”  and is able to follow gestures in songs. At the end of this stage, the child will be able to understand most of the everyday situations.

How do they use language?

Regarding the use of language at this stage, children respect turns when speaking. In addition, they use language to express wishes. On the other hand, at these ages they relate to others through their words. Finally, they greet and say goodbye to each other, with gestures and words.

How to develop their language at these ages?

How to stimulate the language of our son at these ages? First of all, it will be important to always be at his height when we interact with him; This facilitates eye contact and stimulates the affective bond.

On the other hand, we can try to stimulate the production of onomatopoeia, for example, through animal sounds, means of transport, body parts …

It is also recommended that we use visual aids (drawings, signs, pictograms …) to facilitate their understanding and expression. Another tip to develop language between 1-2 years of age in children is to try to encourage them to use functional words, such as “look”, “come”, “give me” , etc.

Child speaking with a megaphone for language development between 1-2 years.

Know their interests

To work with him, we will start from his interests and motivations, since it will be much easier towards the activity and, therefore, towards the language. We can also try, to stimulate the production and understanding of colors, for example, to make drawings with hand paint (non-toxic).

In short, in each game, routine or new place that you discover together, try to identify the different objects and offer the name of each one of them, so that, in this way, they associate the word with the element. Finally, use a lot of songs, as this will help you to promote the imitation of gestures and words for good language development.

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