Menus For The First Trimester Of Pregnancy

Folic acid, vitamin D and iron are essential during the first trimester of pregnancy for optimal development of the fetus.
Menus for the first trimester of pregnancy

Taking care of eating during the first trimester of pregnancy can be really complicated, since women often experience nausea and digestive disorders. It is key to guarantee an adequate supply of nutrients to, in this way, avoid deficiencies that affect the development of the embryo.

In addition, at this time it is necessary to eliminate from the diet all those edibles that can be counterproductive during the gestation period. You have to be careful with simple sugar too, as it is capable of increasing the risk of gestational diabetes.

Key nutrients during the first trimester of pregnancy

Once the state of pregnancy is confirmed, it is essential to guarantee a constant supply of folic acid. According to a study published in Annales d’Endocrinologie , folic acid must be supplemented in order to avoid problems in the closure of the neural tube.

Woman preparing an oatmeal and fruit porridge during the first trimester of pregnancy.

It must be taken into account that during pregnancy the requirements of this vitamin increase, so that dietary intake is not usually enough. The doctor, as a general rule, usually prescribes a supplement of the nutrient from the moment the couple decides that they want to conceive.

At the same time, it is also optimal to increase the presence of vitamin D in the diet, since it is key to improving bone health and keeping inflammation under control, as evidenced by research published in the journal Reviews in Medical Virology .

This substance is not only key to preventing complex pathologies, but it also prevents a situation of extreme fatigue in pregnant women, which can end up conditioning well-being. Likewise, its regular consumption is related to a lower risk of the child developing allergies or autoimmune problems in the future.

Menus for the first trimester of pregnancy

We are now going to present you with a series of main meal and snack options so that you can combine during the first trimester of pregnancy. They are characterized by having a high nutritional density, so they will help meet the requirements.


  • Porridge oats with red fruits and nuts.
  • Toast with hummus and turkey breast.
  • Oatmeal pancakes with peanut butter and blueberries.
  • Oatmeal, dried fruit and banana cookies with milk and soluble cocoa without added sugar.


  • Roasted sardines with sweet potato and salad.
  • Grilled salmon with cooked potato and broccoli.
  • Chicken and vegetable fajitas.
  • Spinach Lasagna.
  • Beef stew with carrot and potato.


  • Rice pancakes with guacamole.
  • Vegetable crudités with hummus.
  • Corn pancakes with peanut butter.
  • Yogurt with nuts.


    • Scrambled eggs with baby eels and mushrooms.
    • Grilled chicken fillets with sautéed asparagus and peppers.
    • Grilled hake with salad.
    • Sauteed red beans, minced meat and mushrooms.

    Always prioritize fresh food

    It is important that during the first trimester of pregnancy you prioritize the consumption of fresh foods over ultra-processed foods. Thus, you will be able to avoid an excessive intake of simple sugars, which could condition the development of gestational diabetes.

    Avocado and salmon toast for a snack during the first trimester of pregnancy.

    This pathology is associated with poor glycemic control. It not only manages to affect well-being, but also forces you to make a series of changes in your diet. In these cases, the contribution of simple sugars would have to be greatly restricted to prevent uncontrolled blood glucose.

    Prepare healthy menus during the first trimester of pregnancy

    Planning your meals well is key at any stage of life, but even more so during the first trimester of pregnancy. At this time, it is necessary to ensure that nutritional requirements are met. Only in this way can optimal development of the fetus be achieved.

    At the same time, you have to take into account that certain elements have to be totally eliminated from the pattern, such as alcohol. With others, like caffeine, there is some controversy. Although some experts affirm that it is enough to limit it, the scientific literature tends to recommend its total suppression.

    Do not forget to include the folic acid supplement prescribed by the doctor in your dietary habits. Likewise, it may be that you also recommend the consumption of an extra supply of vitamin D or iron, to prevent situations of tiredness or fatigue. If, in addition, you have frequent nausea, try to eat more meals, but in less quantity.

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