Motherhood: Love At First Sight

The first contact between mother and child is worthy of admiration, and can never be forgotten! In this article we review some of the most intense emotions that characterize this connection.
Motherhood: love at first sight

The word motherhood should mean love at first sight because there is no other emotion that is more like what you feel when you see your child for the first time. Motherhood is dedication, disinterested affection, passion, devotion for someone who, in the first instance, hardly knows you exist.

If love is the purest feeling, motherhood is its most faithful archetype. There is nothing in the world that compares with it; nor professional success, the desire of the flesh, making a fortune, reaching a desired goal, seeing a great work finished … any achievement is small in the event of giving birth and seeing another human being taken from your womb ; breastfeed, nurture, hold, pamper, put to sleep …

That time when I got pregnant

That time, when I got pregnant, I believed that I had lived the best moments that I was going to have. Until then he had enjoyed a full existence. I studied the career of my dreams and was working precisely in the company that I thought about in college. I was married to my boyfriend of years ago, not the perfect man, but the one I loved.

To my entire dream life I could add good health, financial solvency and a united family. That is why he considered that he had everything.

Then I got pregnant and the many troubles that a woman can go through in that period came. I had abundant vomiting during the first 3 months, I had to rest due to bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy, then came gestational diabetes that brought me so many worries … and thus, with the pain in my back, the swelling of the legs, the numbness of the hands, the beautiful facial and the excess weight that was making me more and more clumsy, slow and ugly, at least before my eyes, my due date arrived.

As my pregnancy had not been one of the best, I could not say that my life was as pleasant as before, that is why I said that the best had already happened to me. From then on, everything was going to be worry, work, sacrifice and bad nights. I, who had never wanted to be a mother, who did not care about the children of others, could not help but think and feel that way.


That time when I became a mother

That time when I became a mother it changed my life. The competitive, ambitious and self-centered woman who lived in me died in childbirth. As soon as I saw that creature smeared with sebum and blood that was crying out loud, with its white buttocks and skinny feet, I fell in love with her and my world was transformed.

The day Elena was born, a new woman blossomed in my heart: sentimental, fearful of all dangers, suspicious, protective, and mother, mother, above all things; above all my old ambitions, the need to continue climbing professionally and the interest to be more solvent to increase my assets.

It’s not that overnight I decided to give up my life, but that my life, now, was my daughter.


Motherhood: love at first sight

Today Elena is turning 3 years old and I am still in love. That love at first sight, that platonic feeling I feel for her, has never stopped and never will.

Together with her I have spent moments of sacrifice, worries, work and bad nights just as I believed when I was pregnant; but no matter how hard I try, I can’t remember any of those moments. I only treasure the many hours of happiness that she has given me, how much fun we have had together.

With the passage of time I have resumed my professional life and I strive daily, but, more than for my old personal interests, to give him a better life.

I try to be her example, the mother who works and has time to take her to the amusement park, the one who instills discipline in her and requires it when she has to.

I am the one who hugs her, guides her, advises her and protects her, who never tires of telling her how much she loves her and talks to her about that love at first sight that was born one summer afternoon.

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