Motivational Phrases For Our Children

One of the simplest ways in which you can contribute to the proper development of children’s emotional health is through motivational phrases. 
Motivational phrases for our children

Motivational phrases are a tool that we have at our disposal to promote the good emotional development of our children. Why? Because they are in themselves a positive stimulus that inspires children to pursue their goals, while reinforcing behaviors that are beneficial for them.

Children must be emotionally stimulated. Despite the fact that many have exceptional security, they are still subject to social opinion. Every child feels judged and observed, therefore, it is necessary that we know how to guide them and help them overcome difficulties.

What is motivation?

Motivation is nothing other than the emphasis that is made to achieve satisfaction ; that is, motivation is what drives us to perform a certain action to obtain something that is desired. For example, when a child wants a drawing of his to be beautiful, he will try to do everything possible to achieve it. His motivation, obviously, is that the drawing looks beautiful and the actions he uses are the means to achieve it.

Types of motivation

  1. Intrinsic motivation. You do not seek an external reward, the action is undertaken on your own. For example, if a child draws a beautiful drawing simply because he wants it to, it is intrinsic motivation, because the stimulus came from “inside”, from himself.
  2. Extrinsic motivation. An external reward is sought, the action is undertaken from an external stimulus. For example, if a child participates in a race and his parents or friends encourage him to reach the goal, his motivation will be unfounded from this external stimulus.

Motivational phrases: extrinsic motivation

Words of encouragement have a great effect on human beings , especially in childhood. They help in their development and training, and also give them enough confidence to take on new challenges. In fact, most experts point to “I love you” as one of the most powerful motivational phrases.

Motivation is a guide that lights the way to self-discovery, instills courage and positivity. Thanks to this, it is possible to find happiness over and over again. How can this be evidenced? Well, just by paying a little attention, we can see that there is no better result than that made by someone who feels motivated.

Happy girl smiling and showing teeth

A motivated child will be able to achieve what he sets out to do, he will have strength and this will help him advance. In this sense, parents are responsible for motivating their children not only to make decisions and carry them out responsibly, but also to provide them with the necessary stimulus to keep their interest, energy and willingness to do things alive. In this way, they are shown confidence in their qualities and abilities.

On the other hand, it is important to know that the concept of motivation is closely related to terms such as will and interest.


According to WA Kelly (1982) the interest can be both born and acquired. Natural interest is that value that objects have in themselves, and that attract attention. Whereas, the acquired interest is one that is derived from the relationship of one object with another on which an interest already existed. In this way, it can be affirmed that, if there is interest, the degree of attention will be greater.


According to Dr. Rosa Vera GarcĂ­a (2015), the will is an act by which we have control of our drives, emotions and desires. It is about the psychic faculty that the individual has to choose whether or not to perform a certain act.

Motivating and positive phrases

To put all of the above into practice, here are the motivational phrases that will empower your children and, therefore, they can achieve what they set out to do. You will discover that, although you probably already knew these phrases, you had not noticed the extent of their power. Let’s see:

About your identity

  • I love you.
  • You are worth a lot.
  • How much progress have you made!
  • You have many positive qualities.
  • Being with you makes me very happy.
  • You are you and that’s great. Be proud of who you are.
  • Comparing yourself is not healthy. Everyone has their talents and the most beautiful thing is being able to share them.
    • How boring it would be if we were all the same!
  • Believe in yourself
    • I’m proud of you.

To encourage communication

  • Tell me what is your opinion. I am interested in hearing it.
    • I do not share your opinion, but I appreciate that you tell me.
  • I like that you ask me things.
  • What would you like to do?
The effect of motivational phrases is positive for everyone.

On your initiative

  • I like how you think.
  • I trust your talent. You can!
  • Give it a try, it doesn’t matter if you fail or not. We are all wrong.
    • Error is the best way to learn.
    • If you make a mistake, try again. It will be easier for you.
    • You are sure to find a better solution.
  • It cost but, after so much effort, you have achieved it. Congratulations!
  • I’m proud of you.
  • You are going to go very far!

Around your ability

  • It’s fantastic!
  • It is difficult but you are doing very well.
    • You are doing great, continue like this.
  • As long as you like what you do, you will see how everything flows.
  • If you want, you can improve it even more. Keep practicing and you will achieve it.
  • I am convinced that you can still give much more of yourself.

After collaboration on your part

  • Take your time to do it.
  • I know it is a great effort, for that I thank you even more.
  • Thank you very much for your help.
  • What you have done has been very important to me.

These are some of the motivational phrases that can help you strengthen the bond with your child. Through them, you will feel more self-confident and encouraged. Remember that it is very important to educate in an assertive and positive way.

Give up no's and say yes to positive parenting

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