My Baby Just Wants To Be In My Arms: What To Do To Fix It?

The simple fact that a baby just wants to be held can be stressful for many mothers. However, they require your attention to feel protected and loved. So that you don’t get frustrated, you can opt for alternatives like the ones proposed here.
My baby just wants to be in arms: what to do to fix it?

The reality is that holding your baby in your arms is very natural; in fact, they need it. This is because it is one of the main ways to strengthen the relationship between parents and children. In addition, they want to always be in their arms because they feel more confident and better protected by their parents.

Now, there is not always time to charge them. That is why you may ask yourself: “What do I do if my baby just wants to be in my arms?”

How do I do household chores if my baby just wants to be in my arms

It is true that babies need attention. However, how can you balance yourself with household chores if the baby just wants to be in your arms. You can apply the suggestions that you will see below:

  • The simplest solution is to take advantage of the moments when your little one is asleep. In this way, you will be able to carry out the tasks without inconvenience. The downside to this option is that when he sleeps, you want to rest too.
  • Therefore, another suggestion is that you buy a baby carrier, better known as a kangaroo, in the market. With this accessory, you will have your hands free to work with peace of mind and your baby will receive the much needed affection from mom.

An important clarification: avoid using the backpack when cooking, as it is dangerous. An advantage of this element is that, when you go out for a walk, you will also have more comfort, especially if you have to carry a lot of things.

At what point does the baby need to acquire independence?

Although during the first months of birth your baby needs to be in your arms to feel protected and loved,  as he grows, it is important that you teach him to be a little more independent and to fend for himself.

For example, if he is already 1 or 2 years old, you should not go to him as soon as he cries;  This will make him believe that he can control you with a simple cry.

Still, that does not mean that you are going to ignore your baby completely, as he still requires your protection and care. However, you have to avoid overprotection.

Effective parenting habits make families more united and happy.

How to do it?

It is a bit difficult if the baby just wants to be in the arms and does not adapt to the crib or the baby carriage. Not only that, because it is getting heavier and heavier and, to top it all, it does not accept that others grab it. Now, with patience and time, you will make them learn to be more independent.

Get rid of the idea that your baby does not understand

They are very smart and can pick up on what you teach them. So explain to her that she needs to be patient and wait for Mom to vacate  or that Mom is exhausted and needs a break.

Maybe at first they won’t listen to you and keep complaining. This reaction is because you have not developed self-control. Still, don’t give in; Only in this way will you learn to think about others as well and understand that you will not always be the center of attention.

This does not imply that you will be rude to him, as you can teach him to feel safe even though he is not so close to you. To achieve this goal, you can:

  • Let dad take care of it too.
  • Invite other trusted people to your home and have them play with it.
  • Provide colorful and noisy toys to keep her entertained.
  • Give him a piece of fruit or a cookie, which will calm him down for a bit.
  • Allow him to walk around the house, either in the walker or crawling. Remember that you must take the necessary security measures so that he is not in danger while he knows his environment.
Many parents want to know why babies may cry in various situations.

What if my baby just wants to be in my arms when going for a walk?

Children love to go out. In those moments, they feel free and learn new things and that is why they like to walk alone. However, if your little one wants you to carry him while out for a walk, it can be a sign of tiredness.

It is for that reason that you must plan your outings well. Otherwise, you will have to carry them in your arms and you will be exhausted. Here are some suggestions:

  • Before leaving, pack enough water and food in your backpack. This will keep you energized for longer.
  • He also brings toys for him to entertain outside, such as a ball.
  • If you are not walking yet , choose to always charge the baby carriage. This also works for those who have already taken their steps; If they run out, you will bring them back home in it.

Lastly, remember that if your little baby just wants to be in your arms, it is not just on a whim, it needs it. So, offer him all the love he deserves and little by little teach him to be more independent.

Why Babies Need to Hold

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