My Son Wakes Up Very Early

Many complaints from mothers and fathers regarding raising their children are related to sleep problems. Here’s what to do if your child wakes up very early.
My son wakes up very early

The night can be a very difficult time for parents. For many of them, it is common for their child to have a hard time falling asleep and falling asleep. But there is also a problem when the child wakes up very early in the morning.

It is important that the little one falls asleep and gets up at an appropriate time  for the quality of sleep and good daytime functioning. Thus, we must try to get children to sleep at least eight hours a day. To do this, you have to instill certain nighttime routines from the first years of life.

My son wakes up very early

There are several situations in which raising a child is a complicated task. For example, when it comes to getting him to sleep and hold on without waking up until a decent hour in the morning.

When a child wakes up very early, it is a problem for the whole family,  since one of the parents has to get up with him. So the dream of one of the parents is also upset.

In addition, these children often wake up crying or screaming, which makes the beginning of the day not very pleasant. In this way, the quality of sleep of the parents and the child is affected. This can have serious short-term and long-term consequences that can affect the optimal development of the child.

My son wakes up very early.

Consequences on the quality of sleep

The quality of sleep refers not only to the fact of sleeping well at night, but also includes a good daytime functioning.Having a correct quality of sleep is very important, since it is an indicator of the presence of:

  • Psychological well-being.
  • Physical Health.
  • Quality of life.

On the other hand, a poor quality of sleep has serious effects on the mood of children and adults, being more likely to experience symptoms of:

  • Sadness.
  • Tiredness.
  • Anxiety.

Likewise, it  affects both motor and cognitive performance. Thus, some skills relevant to learning, such as memory and attention, may be affected.

Factors that affect your child waking up very early

Sleep is a physiological process essential for human functioning. It is a necessary process for good brain activity. Sleep is determined by several factors, such as:

  • Behaviors that facilitate or inhibit sleep: eating habits, physical exercise, consumption of certain substances, etc.
  • The environment: light, noise, temperature, etc.

These are related to sleep hygiene, which includes the practices necessary to maintain normal nighttime sleep and daytime wakefulness.

Tips if your child wakes up very early

Based on the two factors mentioned above, we recommend following the following tips so that your child does not wake up too early:

  • Implement a certain routine before bed.
  • Establish a fixed time to go to sleep. 
  • Leave the bedroom door open.
    My son wakes up very early.
  • Make sure that, in the morning, not much light enters the room.
  • Make sure that the room has a comfortable temperature and that there is no ambient noise.
  • Try to prevent the child from taking very long or late afternoon naps.
  • Accustom the little one not to take care of him immediately when he wakes up.
  • Avoid exciting substances at dinner (chocolate, cola, etc.) and drink too much fluids. 
  • Make sure the child does not go to bed hungry.
  • Perform relaxing activities and quiet games starting in the late afternoon.
  • Avoid giving your child drugs for insomnia.

Carrying out these actions will surely minimize or solve your child’s sleep problem. But, if not, you should consult with your pediatrician or a health professional. And remember the following phrase:

Tips for your child to start sleeping alone

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