Never Come Between Your Son And Your Ex

Never come between your son and your ex

There should never be any interference between your son and your ex, at least not from you. The reason for your divorce, the better or worse husband he was, or the defects that, according to you, he has, should not be pretexts to interpose you in the relationship that, as father and son, they need to have.

A situation that should have started with the healthy preparation of the minor to face, in the best way, the marital separation from his parents, should not continue with discord between the two people he loves most in life.

Fulfill your role as a mother. You do not want to play the role that dad plays too

You, as the mother of the child you raise at home, are one of the main responsible for their well-being, but not the only one.

The father of your child: your ex today, must take care of their economic support, their physical and mental health, their education and protection like you.

If it is yours the task of getting him up every morning, making him breakfast, supervising his grooming and dressing and combing his hair, it may be the responsibility of his father to pick him up to take him to school, or pick him up when leaving school.

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Allow your ex to share in the responsibilities he has as the father of your son and, incidentally, let the little one enjoy time with his dad.

You don’t want to become the only person who takes care of his education, care, distraction, gives him affection and hangs out with him.

Unless it is about preserving their health, their well-being, their life … or your ex is not the best example for the child, you should never put obstacles, or buts, when the two of you want to be together.

Not because you live in different homes and the marriage that you once had has been broken, the son you have in common must suffer the physical absence of his father because each child has the right to enjoy his father, especially the father who no longer live with him.

The way you and your ex should proceed

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Even if you and your partner have been divorced and who for years was your husband is now only “the father of your child” you have no right to hinder the relationship that should exist between your son and your ex.

For nothing in the world should you aim to hurt, offend, and less in front of the minor, whom you loved in the past. Keep in mind that, although they are no longer part of a family nucleus, they have a common goal, a priority that will keep them together for life.

Find a way for you and your ex to agree to maintain the emotional stability and happiness of the child. These guidelines can help you.

  • Both parents will share the responsibilities they have with the child’s upbringing
  • Respect should never be disrespected, less in front of the minor
  • Neither of you will speak ill of the other in the presence of the child
  • They will listen to the opinions and feelings of the minor. He is the most important
  • You have to let the child know and feel that, although separated, you and your ex love him very much and continue to be the support of his life
  • They will never put the child as a judge to decide between any of the disagreements that, as adults, you have
  • They will never use the child as a weapon of attack to hurt each other.

Between your son and your ex

There should only be love, healthy and open communication, trust, respect and admiration between your son and your ex. Anything you can do to reinforce this, do it.

“Mom and Dad must be forever willing, put aside their discrepancies and put their mutual child as a flag.”

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