Old-time Games For Kids In An Age Of Technology

In a technological age like the current one, promoting traditional children’s games is the responsibility of those who grew up with them
Old Games for Kids in an Age of Technology

The old games for children in an age of technology are like a needle in a haystack: You have to look a lot to find it.

Nowadays when even sleeping we are bombarded by the digital and technological age, when wherever we go the machines accompany us and we feel “lost” if for a moment we disconnect from the network … it is unheard of to ask a child that, just like that , be interested in the games of before.

For this, first, you have to show them how beneficial and fun they can be.

The games from before

The game of hide and seek, blowing soap bubbles, putting the tail on the donkey, the hidden treasure, the game of cat and mouse, sack race… what is that?

As in You are Mom, we are lovers of historical memory, old games, outdoor activities and exercise of the body; And with the aim that your child never asks you a question like the one above, we would like to remind you of two of the children’s games of yesteryear that surely occupied your time when you were a child.

If for any moment the tears come to your eyes that will measure how good memories you have of them and how quickly you should teach them to your boy.

Let’s remember together.


The game of chairs

The game of chairs was, in the past, in some countries of course, one of those activities that could not be missed at a children’s party.

Because of how fun it was, it invited even the most submissive little ones.

I remember that to carry out the game of chairs, almost as many chairs were necessary as children were to participate, minus one.

For example: if 20 children were playing, you had to find 19 chairs.

All the seats were placed in the center of a spacious room in such a way as to form a circle with them.

The right edge of the back of one chair had to be glued to the left edge of another, and so on.

The children stood in front of the chairs skirting the circumference that they had formed. An adult was in charge of putting a very lively song on the “recorder” and when the first notes were heard, they had to dance.

Whoever did not know how to dance did not have to leave the game; The important thing was that the children moved around the circle of chairs and that each time the music stopped each one ran to sit in one of the seats.

Obviously, one of the participants was always left out.
Then said child was eliminated, a chair was taken out of the circle, the boys skirted the circumference, the music was put on and again to dance until the music stopped again.

At the end of the game there was always a chair and two children left and whoever could sit in the seat won.


The limbo game

The game of limbo was another popular activity at children’s parties that could involve adults.

I remember it was a lot of fun watching everyone try to get under the pole while they were dancing.

In the game, a straight rod was used held at both ends so that it did not move. Competitors had to walk under it while dancing to the beat of the music.

Of course, the goal was not easy to achieve. Underneath the rod you had to go straight ahead and with your face looking up at the sky.

When all the competitors passed the rod was lowered a little more and so on until all the children were falling to the ground and only one remained who became the winner.

Old Games for Kids in an Age of Technology

Mom, keep in mind that old games like the ones I helped you remember can be a good tool to stimulate your child’s interest in outdoor activities.

As you are the expert in them, it will also give you the opportunity to spend more time by his side and share leisure hours with the family.

In the technological age in which we live, your child is more attracted to advances in science and technology and all the benefits that these provide, than to the activities that were played in your childhood. That’s normal.

However, in your hands is the possibility that he is interested in those and other recreations that, to this day, also helped you to become the person you are.

Your child can make his own the games that once exercised your muscles, made your imagination fly and awakened new emotions in the girl you were once.

How nice would that be, right?

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