Painful Pregnancies, Will The Next Ones Be Like This?

Not all pregnancies have to be painful. If an experience of this type has been had, it is understandable that the woman is invaded by the fear that this characteristic will be repeated in future pregnancies.
Painful pregnancies, will the following be like this?

When a woman receives the news that she will become a mother, many emotions and questions take over her, especially those regarding her health and that of the baby. Having painful pregnancies is also one of the most common concerns among pregnant women, especially first-time women. What should be known about this?

During pregnancy, a woman experiences many physical and emotional changes. Your baby will grow in your womb, their hormones will change their levels considerably and many other functions will give a radical change to the life to which they were used.

It is normal that, as the pregnancy progresses, new ailments and discomforts appear, with which the woman had not had to deal. Therefore, a way to alleviate them is not always found.

In these cases, it is best to remain calm and investigate each of them in depth to know how to react. Of course, it is necessary to complement this with the permanent advice of the family doctor.

Painful pregnancies

During the gestation period, the mother may present some ailments considered common. However, it is necessary to remain alert at all times to the variations that these symptoms may suffer, in order to avoid complications. Some of these burdens are:


Headaches are very common during pregnancy. These can be easily alleviated with relaxation techniques; In addition, in this way you avoid taking any medication that could harm the baby.

If this method does not work and the consumption of a remedy is necessary, the doctor should be  asked to prescribe the most appropriate one.

Increased perception of odors in pregnancy can lead to nausea and vomiting.

However, headaches can also be associated with pre-eclampsia ; that is, high blood pressure during pregnancy. When this condition occurs, you must keep complete rest and follow strict medical treatment to control any signs of hypertension.

Belly or groin pain

This often happens between weeks 17 and 26 of pregnancy. As the uterus grows, the round ligaments around it stretch to provide more support. This produces a sharp pain on one or both sides of the abdomen.

This discomfort does not have to be alarming, since it is generally the result of quickly getting out of bed or a chair, strong coughing, among other daily actions.

Physical activities such as walking or playing sports also cause this type of pain. It can begin with a discomfort in the groin and work up to the hips.

To relieve it, it is best to sit or lie down slowly on the opposite side to the affected one and breathe slowly, until the ailment passes.

Back pain

In painful pregnancies, back discomfort is prominent. As with leg affliction, a woman’s weight gain is the main cause of this condition.

To reduce discomfort, it is best to stay in good physical shape, walk and stretch frequently, sleep on your side with a pillow between your legs, avoid standing for long periods of time, and use heat or cold packs on the affected area.

Braxton-Hicks contractions

In the last half of pregnancy, some occasional contractions in the uterus may manifest. Already around week 37, these should be more followed, irregular and painless. As your due date approaches, this type of retraction is a sign that labor is about to begin.

Women should be prepared to know what to do if they go into home labor.

If you feel contractions and these are accompanied by pain in the lower back, with a frequency of more than six per hour and occur at regular intervals, you should contact your treating doctor as soon as possible to explain how you should proceed. They will also likely perform a check-up to rule out possible complications.

Painful pregnancies, sadly, are more common than we would like. Having experienced one prepares us to apply natural and easy-to-implement options to counteract common ailments. However, it cannot be taken for granted that if motherhood knocks on our door once again the experience will be the same.

Each pregnancy is different, the woman’s body receives the process in a particular way according to her condition. The emotional and physical situation during pregnancy can be diametrically opposite between one and the other, so nothing can guarantee that we will have painful pregnancies because we have already faced one.

In the opposite case, if you have had the good fortune not to suffer pain in one pregnancy, it is not possible to affirm that in the next one it is not necessary to face a slightly more uncomfortable pregnancy.

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