Parents Also Throw Tantrums

Parents also throw tantrums

There is often too much talk about children’s tantrums and tantrums. However, very little diffusion has been devoted to a reality as latent as it is undeniable:  parents also throw tantrums. As we well know, little ones throw tantrums in order to express themselves. Well, it is about uncontrollable emotional explosions. Not surprisingly, the degree of development and maturation does not allow children to put into words what they feel.

Now, why do we say that parents also throw tantrums? How do they manifest themselves and what causes them? In this You Are Mom article , we invite you to rethink some maternal reactions in your daily life.

Adult tantrums?

This type of tantrum tends to appear before some mischief, mischief or childhood error. Put yourself in situation: your child spills juice on the carpet. Think about the following: How do you react if your child is not silent while you watch TV or does not stay still while you do the shopping?

Many parents opened up and claimed to feel anger or rage at those times, which is understandable. Many surely opted for yelling to reprimand children. Some probably appealed to the hurtful insults. Others, unfortunately, to some kind of physical punishment.

This type of parental reactions reveals a certain lack. We still do not know how to manage what we have inside, which makes us desperate and exasperates, as we should. Now, it is worth asking, whose problem is it?

Clearly the fault is ours, the parents. Therefore, it is up to us to work on this issue. Because children are children, we cannot pretend that they present an adult behavior. On the contrary, we can modify our own behavior. For us and especially for them.


A silent childhood pain

Surely most of the time you protest your child’s behavior. That he is disobedient, that he is selfish, that he does not stop doing tricks, that he does not cooperate at home. You may not realize that you do it constantly every day.

However, children do realize it: they interpret it, feel it and end up assuming it. Once this negative message is internalized, the child’s behavior changes automatically. Finally, the little boy assumes the role that his father claimed so much.

Always remember that these are typical baby behaviors, it is nothing personal. It even understands that many times the infant’s behavior is influenced by our own actions. Well, children are sponges that absorb everything they see in us.

Managing adult emotions, solution to major tantrums

Without a doubt, managing these adult emotions is presented as the solution to these typical tantrums of the adult world. In this way, we will be able to handle relationships with infants in a positive and assertive way.

Do not forget that the maxim of motherhood is to lead by example. You are the mirror of the child! So, start to control your emotions, because in childhood you end up reaping what you sow. Therefore, whatever you offer to the child, sooner or later it will come back to you.


After all, hitting, yelling, punishing, or humiliating is nothing more than a way out of adult anger. The most important thing about managing these negative emotions is that children do not pay for their dire consequences.

Now, what can you do to manage those feelings in order to feel good? Pay attention to the following tips that seek to relieve you without negatively impacting your children’s childhood:

  • Observe what you wake up in your child after your tantrum and evaluate its effects.
  • Don’t take a child’s behavior personally.
  • Respect the pace of your child’s development, respect his childhood.
  • Negotiate and dialogue with your child. Help him to come to his senses, don’t be the one who ends up losing her.
  • Acknowledge your mistakes in front of their children and then mark theirs so that both of you rethink each other with a constructive critical eye.
  • Enjoy everything beautiful and pure that childhood can offer, absorb it!
  • Allow yourself to learn what your children teach, walk with them this path where both have a lot to teach and learn.

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