Parents’ Mistakes That Can Generate Jealousy In Their Children

Do you know what are the most common mistakes that parents make and that can generate jealousy in their children? We will explain them to you below!
Parents' mistakes that can generate jealousy in their children

Mothers and fathers do not have an instruction manual that they can follow to the letter to properly educate their children. In fact, there are many mistakes that they can make related to raising children. For example, it is very common for parents to carry out certain behaviors that can generate jealousy in their children.

What behaviors are we referring to? In the next few lines we explain some of them in detail. Take note and try to avoid them!

Parents’ mistakes that can generate jealousy in their children

According to pediatricians Recuero Gonzalo and Bonet de Luna (2005), jealousy is “complex emotions formed by fear, sadness, anger and self-criticism that children can feel when another sibling is born”.

Brothers angry because you feel jealous.

Some parents, with their behaviors and totally unconsciously, promote jealousy in their children. Next, we expose some of the behaviors that generate this type of emotions among children.

Labeling children

Labeling children is a very dangerous habit that parents should avoid at all costs. Continually telling a child that he is “shy”, “lazy”, “clueless”, “stubborn” , etc., can have a very negative effect on the development of his personality and self-esteem, as he assimilates these adjectives and believes that he really it is so and that it should behave as adults expect.

Also, positive labels like “smart”, “funny”, “responsible” , etc., are just as damaging. With them, the behavior of the minor is also being conditioned , and expectations are created that can become frustrating.

These labels can generate jealousy between the children, since one can feel less valuing than the other.

Make unnecessary comparisons between children

Many jealous behaviors between siblings take place because their parents are continually comparing them, creating an unhealthy rivalry between them, and they always want to be above each other. This is a harmful behavior that parents should avoid, because with it immense and unnecessary harm is done to the little ones.

Excessive attention to the little brother

In some homes, the young child is the family’s protégé and therefore enjoys certain privileges. For example, it may be the one that receives the most attention and affection from parents. This causes the other children to feel displaced and begin to be jealous of the younger brother.

Increase in the level of demand towards the older brother

With the arrival of a new sibling, many parents decide to increase the level of demand towards the older son, so that he has to assume certain responsibilities that were not asked of him before.

Brothers angry while spending a day in the field.

Suddenly, the older brother’s life changes significantly, and he  may blame his younger brother  and feel inordinate jealousy towards him.

Parents should avoid behaviors that can generate jealousy in their children

Every father or mother should avoid the aforementioned behaviors since, as has been proven, these only serve to harm the relationship between siblings and generate jealousy between them.

No one says raising children is easy, but you have to work hard to do your best. To do this, a fundamental rule is to treat all children equally and give each of them the attention and affection they deserve.

The brain of children when they feel jealous

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