Phrases From Your Mother That You Now Use

There are certain phrases that are typical of mothers. Do you say any of them?
Phrases from your mother that you now use

How many times as children or adolescents did you complain about your mother’s happy phrases to scold you? And after the discussion we said “I will never tell my children this.” Many, but we are going to admit it, despite saying a thousand times that we would not use those sentences, now, being parents, we do. Is there a person who kept his promise? None. We all end up using them.

But why? Well, because they are common phrases that mothers use, and now as adults we realize that they contain a truth, and they are absolutely right. So now we continue to use them.

Phrases from your mother so helpful that now we use

The time has come. Let’s have a good time looking at phrases from your mother that you probably use now .

1. “Stop eating sweets, your teeth are going to fall out.”

Phrase widely used, especially with young children, so that they do not eat more sweets. The kids they think they will lose their teeth and eat less, or that’s what mothers think.


2. “Until you break it you will not stop.”

When we are little we like to browse. We touch everything, we take Mom’s objects to inspect them. Our mother, nervous, seeing that from one moment to another her precious vase is going to disappear, says this phrase. Sometimes even adding the tagline, “and as you break it in the end you will cry.”

3. “If your friend jumps off a bridge, do you jump too?”

This phrase has been said to us on more than one occasion as children or adolescents. Normally he came after asking permission to do something that our friends if allowed, and then our mother would say that little phrase. The funny thing is that now we tell our children .

4. “What am I going to do and find it.”

How many times have we lost things and when we have asked our mother she has told us this phrase. The thing is, I ended up finding what we had lost.

5. “Because I said so, period.”

Phrase widely used by our mothers, and now we use it when we want to say something that is unappealable and we get tired of so many questions and complaints.

6. “Eat the lentils that have a lot of iron.”

It is common for children to dislike lentils, and it is an excuse for parents to eat them. Now being mothers we use it too, and they have the same little effect.

7. “What are we going to eat? Food.”

Typical question to our mother that ended with the typical answer. Phrase that made us nervous when our mother said it. Now when let’s hurry and we have a horrible day, we do not feel like explaining the recipe that we are going to prepare. The answer is simple: “food.”


8. “Where is the rice? In your place. “

Well yes, the question about where something is, and the answer from on your site. It got on our nerves when we were teenagers. Now it makes our children frantic.

9. “How many times do I have to repeat it to you?”

When we got heavy on a topic, especially when we wanted to get something, our mother surprised us with this phrase. Now, as mothers, we also put it to use.

10. “I count to three.”

How many times have we been told this? And we were running because if our mother reached three and we did not go, we would fall for the octopus. Now is another phrase that we use with our children .

11. “As long as you live under my roof, you will do what I tell you.”

Phrase used to impose discipline at home, especially when the children reveal themselves.

12. “Quickly drink the orange juice because the vitamins are gone.”

Although vitamins have been shown to stay in juice for up to an hour, we keep saying that saying to our children. The intention is that they take it quickly and not give it too many laps.

As much as you have reneged on these phrases of your mother, in the end you end up becoming her and do the same, admit it . Once you assume the maternity , you discover that some of these phrases are very right.

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