Physiological Serum: Magic Solution Against The Flu

Physiological serum: magic solution against the flu

The physiological solution or physiological saline, is basically a solution of substances compatible with the human organism that is used for various medical functions : diluting the powder from injections, to apply other substances, as a substitute for blood and to heal wounds.

There is also a fairly frequent use that is given to physiological saline that, without a doubt, can be taken as a magic solution: we refer to the unblocking of children’s noses when they get sick with flu.

If you use the saline solution to treat your child’s common cold, congratulations; But if you are not very given to the use of this substance, stay with us so that you find out how much it can help you to relieve your little one’s nasal congestion.

We expand on the subject through the question and answer technique.

Is there any danger from giving physiological saline to the child?

No, physiological saline is mostly made up of water, and many other substances that, as we have already said, are harmless to the human body.

No one is allergic to saline nor does it react with any other medication that is being administered to the child.

How to use physiological saline to decongest my child’s nostrils?

Pediatricians generally recommend applying ¼ dropper to each nostril 3 times a day. In case you notice that your child has a lot of flu and cannot breathe well, you can increase the frequency up to 5 times a day.

However, we recommend that you should consult with your child’s pediatrician before submitting to treatment.

The technique to apply the serum is simple. Simply lay your child on your legs, face up, hold his head and put the ¼ dropper into one nostril. Then, take the same amount of saline again and pour it through the other hole.

You will see how the discharge begins to flow better and the nose uncovers.

Where can I buy the saline solution?

If you cannot leave home at a certain time and you need to use physiological saline, you can make it without any problem.

Its formula is simple:

Bring a liter of water to a boil. When it is boiling add 9 grams of sodium chloride (common salt) and let it boil for a few seconds.

Next, remove the container from the heat and let it cool. Pour it into a previously sterilized jar and leave it at room temperature.

Then you can apply it to your child whenever you need it.

However, it is recommended that you always use the physiological saline that is issued in pharmacies because it was prepared in a laboratory and is germ-free.

Why use saline solution and not another nasal mucus fluidizer?

Because water is always an effective element to eliminate toxins, wash, unclog. The physiological saline is mostly water and with it there is no risk that the nasal flows become thicker.

 Keep in mind that keeping your nostrils hydrated will make them less stuffy. In addition, the frequent use of physiological saline when there is flu can help the body eliminate bacteria, viruses and many allergenic substances that lodge in the nasal passages during this phase.

Physiological serum: magic solution against the flu

As you may have already realized, physiological saline can be a good solution to treat the flu.

Common colds are conditions that should not be treated with antibiotics, antihistamines, or any other medications, because there is a risk that the resulting fluids will thicken and take longer to leave the body.

The fever that appears, if it is not caused by another associated condition, should be lowered with the medications that the pediatrician has recommended. Apply the amount according to the weight of your child and the exact frequency; However, you can also use the water compresses at the same time on his forehead, to speed up the sweating.

Mom, the flu is treated with water, although it may seem strange. Abundant liquid to drink, patience, physiological serum through the nostrils and if you like, many fruits rich in vitamin C to strengthen your child’s immune system.

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