Positive Aspects Of Tantrums In Children

Although tantrums can be annoying on a day-to-day basis, you have to see the positive side. Deep down, they correspond to a maturation process that is different for each child.
Positive aspects of tantrums in children

Tantrums in children cause a lot of concern to parents. It is believed that certain behaviors that the child adopts correspond to a distortion of his personality, which is really alarming. Therefore, they try to avoid it as much as possible and tend to get impatient when it happens.

The tantrum stage usually occurs from two to four years old. It is basically a period in which the child begins to feel more freedom, since it comes from being a baby where Mom and Dad do everything for him.

Then, as you experience greater power, you tend to take ownership of your environment and begin to develop a sense of independence.

It is necessary to make known that tantrums in children and other types of behaviors are part of the child’s growth, and therefore of their healthy development. These mishaps will inevitably happen, but it helps to describe the main causes of them to minimize their impact.

5 Positive aspects of tantrums in children

Believe it or not, tantrums can be positive for children.  In fact, we know that not everything can be bad. Then we will know that it is possible to achieve the objective values ​​that these episodes can bring.


Let’s assess these five aspects that make a tantrum positive.

  1. The child begins to be independent. This is important because he feels capable of doing things himself. Having a dependent child is not good for the parents, not for himself or for the people around him.
  2. Start making your decisions. Regardless of their ability to express themselves, it is important that the child feels that he can make his decisions. That is, you have the freedom to speak and propose about anything.
  3. They come when the child wants to learn something. If the tantrum occurs in this case, it is very important to give him credit for his learning need. This means that you are seeing things differently and basically want to “take over the world.”
  4. It is recommended that you express your feelings. Let’s try to avoid restricting your emotions from coming out. Either out of anger or despair, suppressing emotions can cause the child to shut down completely and block any opportunity to bring them out again.
  5. They mark the beginning of your personality development. The tantrums help determine their tastes and preferences, thereby sealing the separation between their parents or caregivers.

Why do tantrums happen?

Some tantrums can be avoided. That is why, by establishing the most common causes, we are approaching the resolution of the first part of the conflict.

One of the main causes is classically the conditions of your environment. This can particularly affect because we are in an era in which there is too much supply of products and services that can be totally pleasing to the child.

Consequently,  when the little one feels too much attraction for something, sometimes it becomes desperate to get it. In this sense, from the failed episode comes another element that causes the tantrum: frustration, which comes when they are prevented from doing what they want.


Sometimes the case is not that you are denied some material benefit, but that you are prevented from doing a job with your own hands. In this regard, the child is vulnerable to fail in their attempts.

One aspect that parents cannot neglect is effective communication. When the child finds himself in the need to convey his feelings, in this case tantrums can occur due to the impossibility of expressing himself correctly.

If we are aware that even for any adult it is difficult to express feelings, we will understand that for a child the work can be titanic. A dislike, for example, is a difficult feeling to handle in relation to liking.

Without the intention of continuing to impute the parents, it is logical to perceive that a certain  limitation on our part can be an activator for the child to feel that they lose the freedom they have achieved. In this sense, when he has accumulated a degree of experience and independence, the feeling of limitation does not go well for the child.

Inattention  is generally a leading cause of tantrums, perhaps of all ages. It occurs when you feel that the people around you do not spend enough time on you, ignore you or simply do not pay attention to you, causing sadness and irritation in the child.

Orientation for parents

Parents should avoid being frustrated by some unpleasant episode on the part of the child. It is important that we understand that it is part of their growth; therefore, if it is handled in the most appropriate way, positive results can be achieved.

However, it is imperative that they also understand that it is a passing process, that is, it is only a stage that lasts only a few years. In such a case, it could only be considered negative if destructive consequences occur for those involved.

If such behaviors persist, it would be necessary to consult a specialist in the matter.

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