Putting Limits On A 2-year-old Will Form Responsible Adults

Many parents see their 24-month-old very young to begin setting standards for them. However, it is very important to set certain limits from an early age, so that tantrums do not become the way to get everything you want.
Setting limits on a 2-year-old will form responsible adults

Setting limits on a 2-year-old is not always easy, since it is normal for the child to want to be independent, he is forming his identity! Also, if in parenting when he has tantrums he gives in to his claims, the little one will think that it is the best way to get what he wants. Therefore, parents must remain calm and balanced.

When parents set limits or rules, they do so so that the little one understands how to behave. In addition, they also teach him to value and respect others and himself.

An important aspect is that both parents are responsible for setting limits on their children and therefore, it is necessary that they take into account the needs and capacities of the child, as well as their maturity level. Therefore, they must agree and inform the rest of the family so that they all follow the same educational line. In light of this, how can parents set limits and what are their benefits?

7 tricks to set limits for 2-year-olds

Limits are necessary for children to learn how far they can go with their parents and other family members. Some of the most important are the ones we mention below.

1. Give specific and concrete orders

Since 2-year-olds do not understand abstract messages, you must explain what behaviors you want them to have. Not only do you have to say “behave yourself” or “feel good”, you also have to explain what we mean by good and bad.

Many children are unwilling to eat certain foods.

2. Speak firmly and calmly when setting limits

You need to explain the rules they are not following, but do it calmly and with a serious tone. Something that might help is to write them down and post them in a visible place. In case they violate them, it is good to remind them of those limits in a peaceful way – without yelling at them – since no one deserves to be spoken against.

3. Do not give in even if they get angry

Parents should keep their firm stance on NO; They should not give in, since sometimes the child may begin to beg, cry or even attack others. If a norm has been established, it must be maintained no matter what; if he gives in, the child will notice that if he starts crying, he can get whatever he wants.

In this sense, it is worth noting that although you must be firm, you have to know which situations can be more flexible. It is important that parents are not too intransigent in matters that are not important. For example, if the little one wants to wear red pants instead of blue, why not allow it? Giving options is one of the best ways to avoid unnecessary tantrums and build confidence in the little ones. 

4. Talk to him with positive phrases

Children obey more limits that express themselves in a positive way. Instead of asking her not to cry, she can be told to speak in a slow, low voice.

For example, if you are hitting another child, you should not just tell him / her not to hit, but to treat other children with love and respect.

5. Be aware of the child’s personality when setting limits

You have to  think about the child’s personality, since not all are the same. This does not mean that they are yelled at to listen or that things are repeated a thousand times. It is enough to speak to them from the heart, respect and affection and looking into their eyes.

6. There must be mutual agreement between both parents

If the father prohibits or does not allow him to do something, the mother must respect that decision, support him and vice versa. Because if you allow it, the child will see that it is not worth obeying the rule that one of them imposed on him and will look for the other to be his ally and support him.

7. Establish routines for setting limits

Routines must be established and followed. If you have set a specific time to eat or sleep, it is necessary to respect it. This will help the child to realize that at that time it is necessary to do what has been established. If, on the other hand, you do not want to sleep, you will be taken to bed and it will be explained that if you do not sleep early, you will wake up sleepy and tired.

Now, if your child does not understand the words you say to him, routines can help him understand what comes next. It is a way for him to understand without words what to do. At first you may show resistance, but with persistence and a lot of respect, you will come to understand it. 

Going from crib to bed should not be a traumatic experience for any child

Benefits of Limiting a 2-Year-Old

When parents set rules and limits on their children, they can reap many benefits, including the following:

  • As they grow, they will learn that it is necessary to follow rules. This will benefit them as adults.
  • They will be responsible people.
  • It will give them security to know what attitude to adopt and what is right or wrong.
  • It will help them in developing their self-esteem .
  • It will increase their confidence and self-assurance.

In conclusion, setting limits on a 2-year-old is necessary for him to become a responsible adult. It is essential that their personality and interests are respected, and that flexible rules are established whenever necessary.

Although it seems complicated, it is not something difficult. Therefore, put limits on your children, but always with affection: they will appreciate it when they are adults .

Setting limits on children's education

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