Seven Steps To Organize A Surprise Party

Do you want to prepare a surprise party for your child but don’t know where to start? Follow these 7 steps!
Seven Steps to Throwing a Surprise Party

“Surprise! Surprise!” Birthday parties are twice as fun and unforgettable if they have that unexpected component. However, they are also twice as stressful and complex for the planner. Do not miss this series of tips to organize your children’s surprise party and, with a little or a lot of budget, they are a success.

That is, record in a large photo your child’s smile of joy and his surprised face when he sees his friends and loved ones celebrate his birthday. The secrets of party planners are: first, put yourself in the birthday boy’s shoes, know his tastes, hobbies, interests and second, become an accomplice to help him develop the entire event plan.

You should know what your child’s interests are and what holiday reason he would like on his next birthday. Also, add siblings, grandparents or friends to the celebration … the more you are, the greater the scandal of laughter!

Seven steps to prepare a surprise party

1. Plan

If it is with time, better. Plan the event and visualize where, how and who will attend. In this step, a list of tasks or “check list” will be useful to make sure that nothing and no one is left out.

Good planning is the first step for the event to go as you expect. In addition, this way you will be able to evaluate and adjust the budget, include activities, guests, games, or exclude others that may be left over. It is good for parents to discuss planning and then also include other family members for ideas.

surprise party

2. Define the theme

After researching your child’s tastes and party trends, it’s time to define the theme. Take into account her personality, her age, and the time of year the birthday occurs. Ask about the musical tastes, movies and characters that your child is a fan of. This way you will also know more about what moves and excites him.

Find out more: if he loves sports, video games, or enjoys outdoor activities, perhaps a surprise party in a park or pool is a fascinating option for him. If you are a girl and you love music, perhaps surprising her with a concert or dancers in your celebration will be the magic touch of the surprise event.

3. Time to decorate the surprise party

Surprise parties have this portable component. The decoration is assembled in an instant and can even be carried in the purse to give the gift to the birthday boy at the least expected moment.

Organize the decoration and evaluate if the budget allows it to run in the hands of experts or, on the contrary, the parents will carry out the decoration. Include other family members and give them permission to express their art and how they interpret the celebration.

4. Invitations for the surprise party

surprise party

Invitations are one of the first things you should do. It can be the traditional paper invitation or send an email or instant message to the guests and parents of the guests. Report that this is a surprise party. Repeat it as many times as necessary and make it clear so that no one can ruin the surprise.

Evaluate the number of guests. If the party will be at home, an intimate party with family and closest friends is always better. If it is a larger event and there is enough space, the guests can multiply.

5. Add an accomplice or attendee for the surprise party

To keep the party a secret you need to add an accomplice. Someone to take the birthday boy away from the party location and distract him while everything is planned. It can be one of the parents, brothers, uncles, friends. The idea is that they delay it and then they can bring it closer to the party when everything is ready.

The surprise will have a great effect if it coincides with the birthday and nobody even mentions what day it is. The birthday boy will feel forgotten and then receive the great news that the opposite is true.

6. Food and drinks

Define what type of food you will serve and the most convenient drinks. Make a snack list and include the birthday boy’s favorite foods and desserts, but also treats that you know everyone will like. In drinks you can not miss water, soft drinks and non-alcoholic cocktails. Take into account the number of guests to know how much food to buy or prepare.

7. Photos and videos for the surprise party

Do not forget to capture the moment of surprise in photos and videos so that later you can review it with your child. Make a photographic or video record of the pre-party so they can share with the honoree how the preparations went and enjoy the moment once again by bringing it to the present.

With these steps to organize the surprise party for your child, it is more than certain that it will be a success! You can enjoy the party, but long before you will have also enjoyed preparing everything and thinking about the protagonist of the day.

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