Short Stories In English For Children

For any child, reading in a language other than their own is a difficult task. For stories in English to help you learn the language without getting bored or tired, you need to choose stories that are motivating and entertaining.
Short stories in English for children

Learning another language has many positive effects. It is not only very useful for traveling and very necessary in an increasingly competitive world of work. It also improves memory, as well as the ability to listen and concentrate.

English is, without a doubt, a language that opens the doors to a better education and a better job. That is why learning English is an excellent idea and it is best to do it from a young age. Children have been proven to learn any language much more quickly and naturally. And the smaller the better.

As you get older, it becomes increasingly difficult to learn a second language. One of the best and most fun ways for children to learn English is through stories. If they already know how to read, the little ones can do it out loud and, if they are not reading yet, the parents can help them. It is a great opportunity to share fun and very educational moments.

Why read short stories in English with children

Children are like sponges: they absorb information much more easily than adults, so learning English through stories will be very easy and fun for them. Reading short stories with children not only stimulates their taste for reading and learning another language. It is also the occasion to spend time with them and to teach them values, talk about other cultures, teach them to respect them, etc.

For example, a specific day can be set aside each week to be dedicated to reading short stories in English with children. If they are very young, they can listen and will be able to talk about the story and ask questions. If you already know how to read, you can do it together, in turns, and it will also be a lot of fun.

There is also the possibility of downloading audio stories in mp3 or mp4 format to listen to them. It will be incredible to recover the magic of listening to stories, and the little ones will surely love it.

Short stories in English for children.

What kind of stories to choose?

The first thing to keep in mind is that they are illustrated stories, with many drawings. This will help children understand the story and become familiar with the characters. It is also important to make sure that the reading is appropriate for the child’s age and the level of English that he is able to understand, as well as that the stories are short.

Little by little, the degree of difficulty and immersion in the new language can be increased. If the child has a lot of difficulty understanding, the moment will stop being fun and it will become a task that he will not want to repeat.

It is also a good idea to choose stories that have messages that teach values. Many children’s stories teach values ​​such as friendship, solidarity, respect … These stories can be used to talk with children about these topics.

Examples of short stories in English for children.

There are some  short stories in English for children that are ideal to help them learn this language.

  • One of them is Pinocchio . Despite being a classic, the tale of the wooden doll whose nose grows when it lies never goes out of style. Children love them.
  •  Another story in English not to be missed is The Princess and the Pea, the well-known tale of The Princess and the Pea.
  • The Ugly Duckling , the famous story of The Ugly Duckling , by Hans Christian Andersen.
  • There are also titles like The Snowman or Snow Man, which tells the story of children who decide to build a snowman in a very cold morning and ends doll coming to life.
  • The Hare and the Turtle is the English version of the fable of The Hare and the Tortoise . All of these titles are beautifully illustrated and are sure to be enjoyed by kids.
  • In E l Greedy boy ( Greedy boy ), the little kids learn about generosity and greed bad part.
  • The mikmail and her pail is an English story for children about greed and its effects. Basically, it is the well-known fable of the milkmaid and her ambitious accounts.
  • In Merlin the charming ( Merlin the Wizard ), through the history and exploits of the well-known wizard, children learn English.
The importance of stories in learning

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