Spoon Recipes For The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy

The second trimester of pregnancy coincides with the middle of the period. The future mother has to take good care of her diet; for this, there are many exquisite spoon recipes.
Spoon recipes for the second trimester of pregnancy

Week 29 indicates the start of the second trimester of pregnancy. Because of this, this is the same time to pay more attention than ever to the food to eat and for this it will be necessary to have on hand some delicious spoon recipes for the second trimester of pregnancy.

This is the final stretch of pregnancy in which the anxiety and excitement, in general, to receive the new baby increase. And what better way to express them than through culinary art?

The importance of a balanced diet

It is very important that in this phase women pay special attention to their diet, which must be nutritious and balanced.

The amount of additional calories that the future mother must contribute to her body will be a very important factor. Your doctor will most accurately calculate this amount. Although it can be stated that on average it will be about 300 and 500 calories a day.

Spoon recipes for the second trimester of pregnancy

The diet of this period should include carbohydrates, proteins and fats.  There are many second trimester spoon recipes that can be used, whether they are salty or sweet.

Spoon recipes for the second trimester of pregnancy


It is very important that at the beginning of the day the body is provided with a sufficient amount of energy. For this reason, it is advisable to include dairy, fruits and cereals at this time of day. The cereals must be without added sugars. In this way they will provide the necessary carbohydrates and fiber. Remember that this last substance helps fight constipation, according to research published in the journal Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.

As examples of healthy breakfasts, the pregnant woman can start the day with half a cup of cereal, a glass of milk and half an orange or grapefruit.

Another option would be a glass of semi-skimmed milk, accompanied by decaffeinated coffee or cocoa powder, a fruit juice and half a cup of cereal with yogurt.


For a woman in her second trimester of pregnancy, meals should be made frequent, with several intakes a day. For this reason, it is suggested that a handful of fresh or dried fruits be included in the diet mid-morning, which will help satisfy hunger.

Lunch or dinner

It is time for the most abundant meal of the day and it is at this time that one of the many healthy recipes for the mother can be included.

In this meal it is important to include a soup or cream, continue with a grilled beef or baked salmon, or a grilled chicken breast. And for dessert it can be a different fruit than the one you ate in the morning.

Creamy asparagus recipe

This recipe is characterized by its antioxidant content. These nutrients have proven to be essential when it comes to fighting aging and the appearance of complex pathologies.


  • 1 kilo of green asparagus.
  • 1 chopped onion.
  • 3 tablespoons of unsalted butter.
  • 5 cups of chicken broth (plus more if needed).
  • 1/2 cup of heavy cream or cream.
  • 1/4 teaspoon of lemon juice.
Spoon recipes for the second trimester of pregnancy

Preparation mode

  • Cut the tips of the asparagus that will serve to garnish.
  • The rest of the asparagus is cut into small pieces.
  • The onion is cooked in two tablespoons of butter until soft, stirring with a wooden spoon.
  • Add the asparagus with a little salt and pepper and cook for five minutes.
  • Add between five and six cups of chicken broth and cook for about 20 minutes or until the asparagus is tender.
  • While the soup is cooking, in a pot with a little salted water, cook the tips of the asparagus, about three or four minutes.
  • Put all the content in the blender to make a puree.
  • Add the cream and cook until it boils, adding a tablespoon of butter.
  • The asparagus tips are placed as an ornament.


At this stage of pregnancy it is necessary, as we have already seen, to eat frequent meals. For this time of day, at snack time, you can have  a turkey ham sandwich with cheese, yogurt with a handful of nuts, a natural juice or smoothie, some whole grain cookies, among other things.


Finally, it is important that the woman in the second trimester of pregnancy does not go to sleep without dinner. For the last meal of the day there are also a variety of recipes, from a salad, grilled vegetables or a baked fish fillet. The most recommended thing, for anyone, is that  dinner be light and never skip.

Includes spoon recipes during the second trimester of pregnancy

Spoon recipes for the second trimester of pregnancy are very easy to prepare. On the other hand, they have the great advantage that they are very versatile and light, so you have a lot of freedom to experiment. Cheer up!

Salty recipes for the second trimester of pregnancy

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