Stories About Solidarity For Children

Helping others and being in solidarity with their causes and struggles is, without a doubt, the most important lesson we can teach our children. What stories can contribute to this task?
Stories about solidarity for children

The stories about solidarity for children perhaps represent, within children’s literature, one of the most beautiful incarnations of human values. Being in solidarity and adhering without any interest to the causes or problems of others, especially in difficult situations, is one of the most beautiful behaviors that defines us as human beings.

This precious value constitutes the main bases of life in society; Only through mutual care can we establish harmonious lives. It is for this reason that, within the values ​​that children are taught, solidarity and its benefits for their own conscience and for others always stand out.

If you want to stimulate kindness, compassion and solidarity towards others in your little one, include in your readings the beautiful stories that we offer you below.

Stories about solidarity for children

Its condition linked to the early education of the moral and behavioral values ​​of the human being has been immanent in children’s literature. That is why literature classics have always illustrated solidarity, companionship, kindness and compassion, themes that encompass love as a whole.

Although in many of the children’s stories the characters must face situations that put their principles to the test, the triumph in their adventures and battles will always be summarized as working together, unconditional support and solidarity.

This is what all parents want our children to learn as soon as they become aware. Without further ado, we present below our selection with the most outstanding stories.

1. Sendy the dog

It tells the story of a beautiful dog named Sendy who lived with her beloved family of humans. She gave them a lot of love and made them happy; However, Sendy suddenly fell ill and her owners, who were not kind people, decided to get rid of her and leave her on the street.

Puppies are an adorable pet for children.

The animal, very upset and holding one of its legs, tried to find its way back to its home, but was never able to do so. After several weeks hungry, very thirsty and cold, she lay down on some old cardboard to cry, remembering the happy moments she had spent with her old family.

Before falling asleep, she asked how I wish to find a truly compassionate and caring family that could help her in her difficult moments. When Sendy woke up, he realized that he was in a very different place.

The dog had been rescued by a noble lady who, when walking down the street, noticed her sad and sick. So, with all his love, he took her home, where he welcomed her as his new pet.

To this day, Sendy the dog believes that the deepest desires of the heart are always fulfilled and that solidarity will always exist in many good-hearted humans.

2. Nuria’s mane

Nuria was a 12-year-old girl who had long red hair that she always wore up, because she felt that it bothered her. Despite her discomfort with her hair, she couldn’t cut it either ; her mother recommended every day that she not do it.

One fine summer day, tired from the heat that her hair produced on her face, she decided to cut her hair. So that her parents would not discover her, she hid the remains of hair in her closet. The next day, he got up very early to look for the mane and throw it away; however, by magic, it had disappeared.

The story as a pedagogical tool is a great option to contribute to the personal growth of the child.

While doing his search, a magical figure appeared to him that told him that some people, when they are sick, can lose their hair. With the hair that Nuria was going to discard, a beautiful wig can be created, which is sure to fill another girl with joy. It was her chance to help these little girls.

Nuria, upon hearing that in her hands was the possibility of being supportive in the struggles and sorrows of others, took as a challenge to let her long hair grow every year and give it to the magical figure.

These two stories about solidarity for children are great examples of stories with deep messages that children will understand. From them, you can have great conversations with your children about the solidarity causes that most touch the heart of your family.

My son loves animals!

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