Sugar In Children: How Does It Affect Their Concentration And Behavior?

All parents must be aware of how sugar levels affect children in terms of behavior and health. Keep the following tips in mind to avoid problems in the future.
Sugar in children: how does it affect their concentration and behavior?

It has happened to all of us that we go to a children’s party with our children and they arrive with exemplary discipline. However, once they eat a treat, their spirit and demeanor change. Sugar in children makes them agitated and gives them overflowing energy.

Although this has not been proven, some parents choose to have soda and candy-free parties. In exchange, they offer water and sandwiches with other types of preparation.

However, there are no studies that have shown that sugar in children alters behavior: these are very general assumptions. On the other hand, it is logical to assume that there are children who are allergic to refined sugar or who have patterns that indicate an excess of sugar in the blood.

What do the experts say?

The World Health Organization (WHO) does not clarify the dangers that can originate with excessive consumption of sugar. It suggests, however,  that the intake in children should not exceed 37 grams per day. On a 1,750 calorie diet, this would be about 7 teaspoons of sugar a day.

The recommendation is primarily intended to  prevent excess sugar consumption in children from causing serious health problems, which can become chronic once they enter adulthood. In fact, it has been shown that a chronic intake of the ingredient can generate obesity in the medium term.

The consumption of sugar is presumed to be as addictive as the use of cocaine and other drugs. Which means that the more sugar they consume, the more they will accustom the body to that seemingly harmless substance. By not consuming it, you can feel headaches, dizziness, anxiety and fatigue.

Sugar is in many cases the cause of tooth decay in children.

Sugar concentration problems in children

Diseases that can be caused by excessive sugar consumption include altered metabolism, heart and teeth, among others. Here are some other problems that are caused by excessive sugar consumption in children:

  • Cholesterol and triglyceride levels rise.
  • It contributes to more obese children, due to the caloric intake of sugar. This is one of the main concerns in developed countries. Even the WHO has declared its concern considering it an epidemic.
  • Obesity can lead to heart problems, as it increases blood pressure.
  • It can also cause diabetes, according to a study published in the British Medical Bulletin . It is the second most prevalent chronic disease in children.
  • As a component added to juices and other beverages, sugar does not contain any nutritional value, as it does not contain minerals and vitamins. So, it is not a diet at all healthy that helps to eliminate hunger and reduces the intake of other foods.
  • It has a significant negative impact on the pancreas.
  • Increases the appearance of dental cavities.
  • It also produces hyperactivity, anxiety and, in some cases, depression.
  • The hyperactivity caused in the child causes him to  lose school concentration. Thus, their school performance drops  considerably.

    Beware of sugar consumption

    The foregoing means that,  when sugar is consumed excessively, we feel at times more awake, more active and, in some way, more energetic.  The difference with respect to children is that they feel with a higher level of activity.

    However, the specialist Raquel Pérez de León clarifies, as blood sugar levels rise, they go down again. This is known as a sugar crash.

    On the other hand, it is important to clarify that excessive consumption of sugar  can cause distraction of attention  in any situation, especially school. It can also cause sleep problems, cognitive delay, and being overweight.

    Sugar in children can affect their health in many negative ways.

    What is suggested to parents?

    The healthiest and most suitable recommendation is that children consume the necessary and recommended amounts distributed in amounts in the mornings and afternoons. But not in treats, but as an integral part of their food.

    There are doubts as to whether or not we should allow our children to consume sugar. The answer is simple and clear: yes they can consume it, but in a controlled way and avoiding excesses by all means.

    Most foods, and especially fruits, contain good amounts of sugars.  It is important to note that well-promoted habits when they are children will translate into healthy habits for when they are adults, that is, there will be no problems of being overweight or diabetes, among other ills.

    Regulate sugar intake to improve health

    In conclusion, we can affirm that not all organisms are the same. Therefore, the reactions to the consumption of sugar are different in each person. Some assimilate it with great ease and others take the leap of the rise and fall. The main thing is to keep your balance.

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