Superpatata: First Comics For Children

Today we will discover a collection of comics recommended for children from three years old. They will love it for being so novel and simple for them.
Superpatata: first comics for children

Children’s literature is characterized by being very varied in terms of types of books. In this way, reading is further encouraged by having the possibility that each child can choose between several types of books that they like the most.

Although the best known type of children’s book are conventional books made up of several pages with a lot of text and, sometimes, some illustrations, there are others that are very different but just as valid for children to read.

On many occasions, the little ones reject reading a book when they see quantities and quantities of paragraphs in a row. This makes them lazy and bored, and does not attract their attention at all. However, there is a completely different type of book than these and that hooks children much more easily due to its structure. We talk, nothing more and nothing less, than the comics.

What are comics like?

Surely, during your childhood, you have read the stories of characters like Zipi and Zape, Mafalda, Mortadelo and Filemón or Asterix and Obélix. They all have something in common: they are characters created for comics.

Girl reading the Superpatata comic.

These books have a very defined and marked structure. They are stories that are shown through successions of contiguous images, included in small boxes called vignettes. Likewise, the texts developed by the different characters are included within a symbol called a speech bubble, which points to the character that these words are saying.

In addition to the mythical comics of characters as well known as those we have talked about previously, there are other types of comics for those children who have never enjoyed this other type of reading. One of the most prominent is Superpatata  which, as you can imagine, has as its protagonist a superhero called SuperMax, who is turned into a potato.

Super potato : comics for the little ones

Although comics are a fantastic idea for children, you have to take into account if they are appropriate based on their age, since it is true that the stories of the characters we talked about previously, and that they are the most common in the world of the comic, they are not the most suitable for the little ones.

For children between 3 and 9 years old, there is a collection called Mamut,  which includes a series of comics suitable for different age groups. Among the best known are La caca magica or Superpatata .

Structure of  Superpatata

The comic Superpatata is recommended for children from six years old and its collection already consists of nine different titles. Its structure, like that of all other titles destined for that age, is very simple.

In contrast to comics such as Zipi and Zape or Mafalda , where there are numerous vignettes per page and a lot of text, in these the maximum is six vignettes per page.

The opposite also happens with the text, since very short and simple sentences are used so that they are perfectly understandable by children.

His illustrations stand out for being very colorful and have a very important weight in the story so that it is perfectly understandable by the little ones, without the need, even, to read the text.

Boy reading one of the Superpatata comics.

Story plot

In the first title of the collection, we will know the reason why the superhero Max is turned into a potato because of Doctor Malévolo.

Superheroes and adventures come together in a fantastic way in these simple vignettes that will hook the little ones in the house due to the amount of illustrations and the little text that accompanies them. An ideal book for those children who find it difficult to read.

Encouragement of reading through these types of books

From the age of five or six, children begin to learn to read. When laying the foundation for reading, it is important that both as educators and families encourage reading through different types of books.

Teaching children the multiple reading options they can choose from will help them make reading a regular activity. These simple comics will surely be a wise choice, since nothing draws your attention more during that age than the striking illustrations, in addition to ignoring this type of book in the form of vignettes.

Pi Collection.  La Guarida Editions

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