Thank You Grandmothers For Being That Light That Guides The Grandchildren

Grandmothers are those amazing people who fill the path of their grandchildren’s life with light. Thank you, grandmothers.
Thank you grandmothers for being that light that guides the grandchildren

Mothers and grandmothers, both generations have incredible strength that is seen in their daily struggle so that their children and grandchildren do not lack for anything. Many grandparents are, again, heroes for those parents who must work and take care, altruistically and with all their unconditional love for their grandchildren.

But although many other grandparents cannot take over, they are still that guiding light for grandchildren. Grandparents and grandmothers are always those wonderful people who fill us with love.

Thank you grandmothers

Thank you, grandmothers, for being those strong women who continue to cuddle babies and small children, now called grandchildren, who make you feel more alive than ever.

You don’t mind being available for your children and grandchildren in the middle of the night because you know that the most important thing in life is family, whatever happens. You love to share the moments with them, because they are everything to you.

Grandmother cooking pastry recipes with her grandchildren.

In the same way, thank you, grandmothers, for being women who do not lack a hug at the right moment, you take photos and reveal them because you know that memories are better kept in a photo album than in a phone memory.

Thank you for showing us that beauty is not found in the physical, nor in the past, but in the eyes and in the heart. Thank you for sharing with the whole family your joy, wisdom and the desire to always do things well.

Again, thanks for making mistakes and showing us how important it is to learn from mistakes. Seeing you sing is a marvel for your grandchildren and, when they dance with you, it is the best party you can ever remember. Seeing grandchildren having fun together with grandmothers and grandfathers is undoubtedly the best treasure a mother or father can have.

You are wonderful

Grandmothers are necessary in life because your kitchen, your cakes, conversations and everything becomes special because it is not infinite, it is ephemeral and you have to enjoy it while you can. Just thinking about how wonderful you are, your heart skips a beat.

Thank you for being the kind of grandmothers who enjoy with our children. The kind that attends important events with your family, who encourage you to teach values ​​and help nurture compassionate and kind hearts.

Thank you for being the kind of grandmothers who offer to babysit when they know parents urgently need to go out. Those lucky parents know that they have nothing to worry about while their children are in your care.

Thank you for being the type of grandmother to sit and paint with your grandchildren. Who do play-doh and build towers. Those who read stories with them and carry out all the activities that the little ones propose with their ascending imagination. L applications as they are proof of how special you do feel them.

Again, thank you for being one of those grandmothers who buy new shoes and secretly give money to grandchildren. Of those grandmothers who always bring a gift when they visit or when special dates arrive, such as birthdays. But above all, thank you for being one of those grandmothers who spend time with their grandchildren and as a family. That is, without a doubt, the best gift!

Grandmother with her newborn grandson in her arms.

We love you with all our heart

There are many generations that will exist thanks to your effort. Your house is full of memories that are updated with the arrival of your grandchildren. Your fridge changes the magnets of the places you traveled to the drawings of the grandchildren who say everything they love you.

Your arms are always the best refuge and the best home. Your cuisine will always be the best in the world, and talking to you will always be the greatest treasure.

Thank you for everything you do, for who you are and because thanks to that, your offspring will continue to grow and will continue to be wonderful people because you make the legacy values ​​and unconditional love for the family that should never be lost.

Life is better thanks to grandmothers; they are the stick that helps us all to move forward, even though they are not by our side because nature has made them leave …

His wisdom and all his unconditional love will remain within our hearts. They, the grandmothers, will continue to be that light that will guide the grandchildren and all those who have been lucky enough to be part of their family. Thank you , grandmothers, ma ravillosas women silver hair and golden heart.

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