The Best Music To Put Your Baby To Sleep

Do you know what is the ideal music to put babies to sleep? Find out in this article!
The best music to put your baby to sleep

Music stimulates us and babies do not escape this reality. Today we know that some songs and musical styles can help us in learning. They also influence brain processes and stress management. Similarly, choosing music to put your child to sleep will help you when you want them to fall asleep and relax.

Music has traditionally been used to put the little ones in the house to sleep. In fact, some mothers used to have the habit of inventing special lullabies to put their little ones to sleep.

Today’s technological resources allow us to set the rest time of our little ones to music. And also do it in a much more effective way. Here is a guide to choosing the best music to put your baby to sleep.

Why does music help babies sleep?

Music has been scientifically proven to have the ability to recreate gentle and favorable moods in children and adults. There are harmonic tones and sequences that help us release tension. This creates favorable conditions for sleep.

Children's music stimulates their sense of hearing

Added to this, certain musical genres manage to improve people’s concentration in study and work . And as we all know, sleeping requires certain levels of concentration, stillness, and a sense of well-being.

We must be careful with the type of music we listen to, always taking into account the effect we want. Listening to jazz or classical music is not the same as heavy metal or electronic dance music.

Music to put your baby to sleep should be calm and harmonious

The aforementioned gives us an idea of ​​what is the best music to put your baby to sleep. In principle, the selected shades should evoke peace, stillness and represent an environment of harmony and tranquility.

Bedtime rhythms, tempos, and harmonies should be simple, smooth, and even a little slow. This rules out styles like rock, metal , fast tropical rhythms like salsa or merengue, and other songs with fast and powerful percussions.

There are many reasons why babies have trouble sleeping. If your little one focuses his attention on a certain musical harmony, this may help him fall asleep.

Listening to music before bed helps you relax and de-stress

Classical music, the quintessential option

Classical music has the power to improve the cognitive processes of adults and children. This arrangement is known as the Mozart effect. This style has the appropriate conditions for our children to sleep easily.

Rich and complex melodies are associated with this type of music that can be appreciated in the middle of a moderate accompaniment. Orchestral drums are not usually loud or shrill , which is key at bedtime.

The absence of lyrics can further contribute to sleep, as the baby concentrates on appreciating the harmonies.

The jazz : softness and complexity in the same tune

The jazz is a musical style rich in harmonic changes, improvisation and complex musical structures. As in classical music, the accompaniment in this style is quite smooth.

In addition, the jazz is characterized by maintaining all sounds into place without major distortions. Its sound elements are quite minimalist, focusing its great difficulty on execution and improvisation.

Listening to it , babies will focus intently on the melody and harmonic changes. This will create the conditions to fall asleep without much difficulty.

The bossa nova has soothing voices that evoke tranquility

The bossa nova is characterized by its softness, delicacy and abundance of pleasant sounds. With it it is possible to promote deep states of relaxation in those who listen to it.

In this musical genre, voices are used as an element dedicated to the search for mental serenity.

There are commercial proposals dedicated to the reinterpretation of well-known songs and classics under the gentle rhythm of bossa nova .

To help your child fall asleep, it is necessary to find the music to sleep that best suits their tastes.

Relaxation music

Perhaps there is no more suitable music to put your baby to sleep than this one. We are talking about compositions focused on generating states of mental tranquility in people regardless of age.

Another advantage is that there is a wide range of options to choose from : environmental, Hindu mantras, Asian, etc. Some titles even tell us what types of sensations we can stimulate with the recordings: concentration, peace, reflection, meditation, etc.

The good news is that there are many musical styles to put your baby to sleep easily. All you have to do is try the different proposals until you find your child’s favorite one.

I do too: I sing to my baby

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