The Bunny Who Wants To Fall Asleep

Find out how this story uses the technique of suggestion to convince children to go to sleep. 
The bunny who wants to fall asleep

Do you know The bunny who wants to fall asleep ? It is an illustrated story that is worth trying when putting our children to bed.

And it is that, certainly, when putting their young children to sleep, many parents feel overwhelmed because they spend a lot of time trying to fall asleep at an early hour. Since they do not always succeed the first time, it is necessary to look for effective methods.

While it is true that there are no infallible formulas to induce children to sleep, there are various tricks that we can try, as the case may be. Reading a story is one of them. Therefore, we invite you to discover what benefits it brings: T he bunny that wants to fall asleep.

The central idea of ​​author Carl-Johan Forssén Ehrlin, who is a Swedish psychologist, was to find a simple way to help children sleep.  The bunny who wants to fall asleep seeks that children know the values ​​and learn to overcome obstacles.

The bunny who wants to fall asleep.

The bunny that wants to fall asleep , its characteristics

Since the book was released, it has become a bestseller. Both online as well as in children’s stores and bookstores. It has even been translated into seven languages ​​to date. Some of its main characteristics are:

  • The most used words throughout history are sleep, tired, asleep, now and dream.
  • The book consists of 26 pages and has several color illustrations. Its main characters are Carlitos the rabbit, the sleepy snail and the yawning uncle.
  • The story is narrated in the second person.
  • The author uses suggestion and relaxation techniques to help children sleep.
  • The book has a user manual that tells the reader when to emphasize, soften the voice or perform other actions such as yawning.
  • Some instructions are marked in bold.
  • It maintains a language close to the young reader.

Suggested reading technique for the bunny who wants to fall asleep

In The Bunny Who Wants to Sleep , the writer makes a definite use of different language and psychological techniques to achieve his goal. Therefore, to achieve optimal results, the reader must apply these techniques.

A clear example is that the narrator must yawn in some passages trying to give realism to the characters in the story. In others, the reader is required to change his tone of voice to a softer one, which can induce the child’s sleep.

It is claimed that practicing reading in this way provides a state of tranquility that induces children to relax and thus fall asleep. The end result will be that the child falls asleep satisfactorily.

The bunny who wants to fall asleep.

Recommendations for reading  The bunny who wants to fall asleep

When reading, the aim is to unconsciously transmit a message to the child. If you consider that you are not very skilled, follow these recommendations to achieve your goal:

  • Characters. The main character is called Carlitos (the bunny). In this sense, the author suggests modifying the name of the character by the name of the child during the narration. In this way, you will feel like the protagonist of the story.
  • Reading. The structure of the story requires pronouncing some sentences with a different intonation or rhythm.
  • Gestures In the course of the story apply all the expressions that the characters suggest. On the other hand, the repetitions of all the words that induce sleep unconsciously should be taken advantage of.
  • Accessories. You can use a routine to increase the likelihood of success . A light meal or a warm bath can be effective ways to put children to sleep.

Does the story work for sleeping?

The book has thousands of adept parents as well as expert critics. Some connoisseurs claim that while the book’s best-seller cannot be denied, it is not magical.

In fact, it is claimed to be effective as a supplement to a routine to get children to go to bed. Likewise, it is believed that the effectiveness of the story is given by the fact of following the instructions in the manual.

For this reason, any reading practiced under the premise of softening the voice, reading slowly and putting the appropriate intonation makes any child fall asleep.

On the other hand, the story is only useful for children between 2 to 4 years old. The story does not have a solid plot to entertain older children. In any case, as a parent you can use The Bunny Who Wants to Fall Asleep and test how effective it is for your child .

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