The Consequences Of Not Breastfeeding A Premature Baby

Premature babies can suffer developmental defects if they are not fed properly. Nutrition needs to be adjusted well to improve your health.
The consequences of not breastfeeding a premature baby

Breast milk for a premature baby is very valuable due to its immune properties and its helpful hormones for growth. Although it sprouted before the stipulated time, this milk is a little different at the beginning, because it has more protein. In addition to its main nutritional characteristics, over the months it continues to change, adapting to all the needs of the child.

We know well that breastfeeding is very important for both the baby and the mother. Breast milk feeding is essential at birth. This food is suitable, ideal and the natural element that offers all the nutrients to your child. It serves to help you grow strong, protects you from numerous diseases and at the same time supports your intellectual development.

It should be noted that the statistics are very high on the consequences of not breastfeeding a premature baby. We must take into account that if you do not breastfeed, the child is exposed to many negative factors that will affect its growth. In addition, babies in these conditions need more connection with the mother and the basic elements that accompanied it in gestation.

When it is not possible to breastfeed

Take into account that the way to supply breast milk to a premature baby in its first days will not be directly from the nipple. The low weight of the baby does not make it strong enough to suck.

For this reason, the best way to provide milk is through tubes, which are introduced through the nose or mouth into the stomach. This is done until the organs develop to the level of a full-term child.

Once the danger passes, the child can be put to breastfeed directly from the nipple or bottle depending on how he develops. However, premature babies may not drink a lot of milk, but they will later. Therefore, it is necessary that we do the mechanical extraction to maintain the production and thus have milk available for when it is needed.

It is also important that we try to breastfeed them so that they practice sucking calmly. At some point the baby will overcome his health problems and must begin his regular breastfeeding. So, it is convenient to have milk available, that you have tasted it and develop your sucking reflex. Keep in mind that breast milk has proven to be the best food for the baby, so it will contribute to its development in an appropriate way.

Consequences that the premature baby can suffer

In the first instance, a baby born this way cannot always receive his milk. However, some babies are not breastfed for other reasons, something that is not suitable for any and especially if it is premature. Mental disability and growth retardation are the main consequences that the premature infant who is not breastfed can suffer.

According to the INSERM study, 45% of premature infants show a developmental quotient below 85. Instead, children who were born on time have an average coefficient of 100.

This is because the brain is immature, because being born before time has not fully developed. At the same time, it leads to very critical growth development, such as suffering from muscle numbness or difficulty staying upright.

Likewise, supplying little or no breast milk leads to the brain having little gray matter. Although at the age of 7, all children’s brains are the same size, it should be noted that their IQ is different.

The learning process will always be different and more so in children who were born prematurely. Mainly it leads to difficulty in reading, memory and mathematical calculations.

Another noted consequence is the development of necrotizing enterocolitis, according to a study published in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology . This disorder is due to inflammation and death of intestinal tissue, due to decreased blood flow to the intestine. This is due to the immaturity of intestinal motility and digestive function.

It mostly happens when premature babies are fed formula, that is, concentrated formulas. This type of product does not help the development of the digestive system and increases the oxidative demand of the intestine by introducing bacteria. In addition, many babies have an intolerance to the proteins in that milk.

The best food for premature babies is breast milk

Breast milk helps prevent infections in children born prematurely, because it has antibodies and immune cells. The composition of the milk reduces the risk of proliferation of the bacteria that cause necrotizing enterocolitis. It is recommended that the preterm child not be given milk formulas to avoid increasing the risk of suffering from this disorder.

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