The Importance Of NO In Education

The importance of NO in education

All children need their parents to set clear limits to grow healthy. Failing to do so can be very damaging to them, especially in the future. From this derives the importance of NO in education.

Although the desire of many parents is to please their children in everything they can, it is necessary that in addition to affection they learn to have patience, balance and guidelines in education that guide the values ​​of the family. The limits must be established by the parents in tune with their values, experiences and wisdom, who must be clear that there are non-negotiable points in the house rules.

Failure to set clear boundaries in education can make children feel that their parents don’t care about them, the authors of the book Educate with Emotional Intelligence clearly explain .

The importance of maintaining standards in education

Saying NO to education on time is especially meaningful when your children are going through adolescence and are faced with decisions that will have serious consequences in their lives.

It is best to always be consistent

There are NOES that come spontaneously from the parents’ mouths, who will naturally object to the child doing inappropriate or dangerous things for him. The same happens when your child grows older and violates the rules or standards of education that have previously been agreed upon.

Saying NO to children many times is necessary.

The NO in education is also important when children do not want to do their homework and obligations; in that case it is crucial to be firm and not eliminate the rules.

Certainly,  the child will always want to negotiate and even blackmail his parents into letting him do what he wants;  However, at this time your criteria should prevail and know how to say NO when your child is really doing something that hurts him physically or emotionally.

Stay away from extremes

Although knowing how to say NO is important to protect the child from any behavior or activity that harms him, being excessively authoritarian is as much or more harmful than being extremely permissive. Both extremes in parenting patterns deprive children of establishing a real and sincere relationship with their parents, who unknowingly sometimes ignore the true problems and feelings of their children.

It is just as important for the education of a child to set limits and say NO than to be a mother capable of saying yes or giving wings to the child when he needs it.

Try to find a middle ground and accompany your child in his education. Ideally, as a mother, you should be as aware as possible of the real needs of your child, especially the emotional ones, since these may not be as obvious as the physical ones.

Educating also means setting limits.

Some useful tips for managing NO in education

You don’t need to yell to discipline your kids. A key piece to taking care of your children’s education is knowing when to say YES or NO, in addition to doing it safely. Having it will help you transmit it. Achieving such serenity and integrity – although it may not be easy at times – will help you get away from impositions. With them you will only get your children to obey you for fear that you will punish them.

On the other hand, when the child understands the reason for the house rules, little by little, he will understand that there will also be times when his good behavior brings him small rewards, never as a rule but as an exception to it.

Such clarity of boundaries will help you structure your personality and set goals, enriching you as a person and taking advantage of the rules your parents established for the benefit of your education.

It is also necessary that as a mother you are aware that although the natural tendency is to tell a child absolutely NO, as he grows it will be good for you to explain why he should or not do certain things and that you help him learn to differentiate what aspects can be discussed and which ones will always be in a certain way.

The importance of words

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