The Importance Of Outdoor Play For Your Children

Outdoor games are essential for the proper development of your children. Even if you live in a big city, you should look for opportunities for it!
The importance of outdoor play for your children

Today’s children who live in cities do not usually play outdoors, especially if they live in large ones. Almost all children play at home with their tablets or computers or watch television. Are there are few who can play outdoors daily in big cities.

Those who have siblings can play with other children at home, but others do not usually do so outdoors if we do not take them to a park or go on a field trip. Playing with other children is essential for children to socialize and learn to play with their peers.

Although we are afraid of the dangers of big cities , we have to try to get children to play in the street or in the park because it can bring them many benefits.

If we do not dare, we will have to make small family excursions to the outskirts of the city where you can safely enjoy nature. Ideally, our children can play several times a year on the beach, in the forest or in the mountains.

fresh air

Benefits of children playing outside

All children should go outside every day or at least on weekends since they are little. Having children play outside has infinite benefits for them and for the whole family.

We can take the children to the park, on an excursion on the outskirts of the city or even take a trip to a longer rural setting with our family . The important thing is that children can interact with nature and also with other children.

We tell you in this article some of the benefits of these outdoor games that will surely give you ideas to spend a day in contact with nature as a family :

  • They enhance creativity in children because they have to develop their ingenuity and imagination on the street or in the field. Children do not know the environment in which they are and have to investigate to be able to play in this new environment.
  • P invents childhood obesity, one of the great problems of children of our time. When children play outdoors, they have to leave their sedentary life for a few hours and go out of the house, which always involves developing a physical activity.
  • It favors the relationship with other children, which is complicated if they always play at home. Playing with other children is very important for them to socialize and learn to share with others.
  • They tend to be more autonomous and independent and learn to cope with different problems and complicated situations. For example, while playing they may find an unknown insect or an interesting mineral that arouses their curiosity and doubts.

    fresh air

    Enjoy outdoor play from a young age

    If we get used to going out with our children to the park or the country once or twice a week, surely the whole family will soon enjoy these activities. If we do it on a regular basis, we can enjoy nature as a family and have an unforgettable day for sure.

    Since children are small we have to ensure that they are in contact with the outdoors and nature. It will help children even if they are babies to experience their relationship with the outside world with the five senses.

    As infants, children can walk and crawl on the grass or sand on the beach, experiment with different textures and even enjoy the different sounds of nature. We can invent games with them so that they know, for example, the texture of the leaves and trunks of trees, the peculiar smells of nature or the sounds of the different animals that we can find in the field.

    These experiences are sure to provide the baby with a great knowledge of the world around him and stimulate all his senses. Children will be able to know many words and experience sensations directly when being in contact with nature.

    When they grow up it is also important that they play outside so that they can move, exercise, socialize with other children and enjoy all their senses of nature. Children will consume energy and burn calories and sleep much better. Don’t hesitate and try to get your children to play outdoors at least twice a week.

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