The Moment You Know You Are Pregnant

This is one of the most unforgettable moments and with it begins a long and beautiful way to go. In this article we explore some of the most important emotions of this moment.
The moment you know you are pregnant

You have a late period, you decide to take the pregnancy test and there it is, the result is positive! Together with the great joy you feel, a flood of doubts begins, especially if it is the first time that you stay in condition. For that reason we are going to give you a series of recommendations to follow from the wonderful moment when you know you are pregnant.

From the moment conception occurs, the body begins to change to accommodate the fetus and you become a festival of hormones for optimal development. Of course, these physical and hormonal changes cause various symptoms to occur. In addition, you need special care because you are pregnant. Your health no longer depends exclusively on you, what you do will also affect the embryo.

You are pregnant. To do?

For all this, below we will expose several recommendations to help you during the fantastic development when you know that you are pregnant. Let’s see them:

  • The first step in knowing that you are pregnant is to make an appointment with your family doctor to see your history, do an analysis to see your physical condition and send you those supplements you need, such as folic acid to prevent spina bifida , vitamins, iron, etc.
  • In addition, the doctor will be the one who refers you to the midwife and later to the gynecologist.
  • If prior to this step, you are planning to get pregnant, it is advisable that you discuss it with your doctor so that he may indicate a folic acid supplement and start taking it before becoming pregnant.
  • Stop smoking. It is already known that smoking is one of the most harmful habits that exist, but in the case of pregnancy the risk is multiplied by two. Tobacco directly affects the fetus and can cause anything from miscarriage to sudden death of the newborn. Giving up this vice is enormously beneficial for the embryo and of course for you.
    When you know you are pregnant
    • Do not consume alcohol. It is very harmful to the fetus as it can cause miscarriage, malformations, mental problems, etc. It is best not to consume anything, it is already known that prevention is better than cure.
    • Do not take any medications on your own. Even so-called natural medicines from herbalists can be harmful. Consult with your doctor before taking any type of drug, he will tell you what you can and cannot take.
    • Take care of your diet. Try to eat fresh food and reduce the consumption of processed and industrial foods. Disinfect fruits and vegetables well. Cook fish and meat. Eat foods rich in calcium and omega 3 present in fish especially. Of course, try not to consume too large fish in excess, since they can contain a lot of mercury.
    • Be very careful with X-rays. Notify the medical staff so that they take the necessary precautionary measures in the event that you have to take an X-ray. They can be the cause of malformations. If you are accompanying, stay out of the radiation zone. And if it’s your job, discuss it with your doctor.
    • Get exercise. But not a rough exercise that can be harmful. Do suitable sports like swimming, yoga, or walking. Not only will they keep you fit and agile during pregnancy, but they will also help you in postpartum recovery. In addition, since one of the symptoms that occurs the most in the first trimester is sleep and fatigue, sport will help you to be more active.
    • Reduce the intake of caffeine and stimulant drinks, including tea, since they can cause anemia and this carries the risk of miscarriage.
    • Stay away from children’s infections if you haven’t had them as a child or if you don’t remember. Typical diseases such as rubella, chickenpox, etc., pose a serious risk to the development of the fetus.

    However, in Spain a telephone service has been created through the Carlos III Institute of Madrid so that you can consult some doubts, such as those related to the medications that you can consume. They report on the various risks in pregnancy. It is the SITE, that is, Telephone Information Service for Pregnant Women. The consultations are attended by specialists who will provide the telephone orientation service and will subsequently send a written report.

    We hope that this series of recommendations will be useful to you during pregnancy. We can only congratulate you and wish you a happy pregnancy.

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