The Use Of Vitamin B As A Mosquito Repellent

Although there is no scientific evidence in this regard, vitamin B is widely used as a repellent for mosquitoes.
The use of vitamin B as a mosquito repellent

Vitamin B provides a wide variety of benefits, including increased metabolism and increased energy. On the other hand, it especially benefits cardiovascular health and the immune system.

Being so beneficial to general health, vitamin B can even be used as a mosquito repellent.

The B complex is a set of eight vitamins that it is necessary to replenish daily, through a diet rich in foods that contain them, since it is a water-soluble vitamin group. Its positive effects on the body have been contrasted in an article published in the journal “Molecular Aspects of Medicine.”

Vitamin B: a novel repellent

One of the newest uses for vitamin B is as a mosquito repellent. Either ingested, through different foods, or applied as an ointment, the truth is that this nutrient  has provided good results as a repellent.

Since complex B provides multiple benefits and does not pose a health risk in itself, its discreet use as a mosquito repellent is not contraindicated.

Contributions of vitamin B complex:

  • Folic acid or B9. Of great help during pregnancy and women of childbearing age because they favor the creation of new cells and prevent spina bifida disorder, according to an article published in the journal “Annales d’Endocrinologie”.
  • Pantothenic Acid or B5. It is responsible for breaking down fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
  • Biotin or B7. It breaks down carbohydrates and proteins, promoting good digestion.
  • Cobalamin or B12. It benefits the nervous system, metabolism and the production of red blood cells; Besides, apart from the other compounds, it can be stored for years in the liver.
  • Niacin or B3. Stimulates the proper functioning of the nervous, digestive system and the skin.
  • Pyridoxine or B6. Its function is the breakdown of proteins, which implies that you increase your consumption as you consume them.
  • Riboflavin or B2. Helps with red blood cell production and growth.
  • Thiamine or B1. It favors the transformation of carbohydrates into energy.
Examples of foods rich in vitamin b

Vitamin B is found in many foods  that are easily found in the daily diet, among which red meat and white meat stand out. Specifically beef, chicken, and fish.

It is also found in dairy products, eggs, cereals, legumes and all those green leaves. Also in medicines, both naturopathic and industrial.

Vitamins B and C: allies against mosquitoes

Both vitamin B and vitamin C have multiple properties. Both coincide in their action as a mosquito repellent.

Although there is still no definitive scientific evidence in this regard, it is possible to help avoid bites with the smell of these vitamins.  The smell of vitamins is considered to be what keeps mosquitoes away.

Although these vitamins are beneficial for our body, specialists do not rule out commercial repellants. However, they do not exclude the use of vitamins as a mosquito repellent.

Prevention against diseases transmitted by mosquito bites is the most important step we can take, so we should not choose a single method of protection.

In addition to the consumption of vitamin B or vitamin C, it is recommended that you use the mosquito net and avoid staying in risk areas.

Complex B is ideal for fighting mosquito bites

Although the mosquito bite seems harmless, we know that it could be the cause of many diseases. A very important reason to prevent mosquitoes from threatening the health of pregnant women, young children and, in general, the whole family.

Use of vitamin B as a repellent

  • Increase the consumption of foods rich in:
    • Vitamin B1 present in: legumes, eggs, liver, dairy products and cereals.
    • Vitamin B6 present in: nuts, yeast, rice or lentils.
    • Vitamin B12 present in: natural yogurts, beef and salmon.
  • Dissolve B complex compounds in body lotion or cream or gels.
    • To do this, the mixture is spread on the skin most exposed to mosquito bites (arms, legs and face).
  • Mix with aromatic substances (lavender, basil and eucalyptus).

In this way you will not only pleasantly scent the environment but also keep mosquitoes away from the house.

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