Things Your 2 Year Old Should Know

Things Your 2-Year-Old Baby Should Know

Accompanying children in their growth is the most wonderful thing that can happen to us when we are mothers. Seeing them grow not only in size but also in knowledge, in skills is incomparable. However, we always wonder if our child is developing correctly, if he knows what he needs to know for his age. Here we will tell you what things your 2-year-old baby should know.

The context: the 2-year-old baby

We must first put ourselves in context. The 2-year-old baby almost always catches us off guard with his boldness of independence, determination, and will, so be prepared! It is not at all a slander when it comes to “the terrible 2 years.”

When we step on the 2 years old, the cute and funny babies that we had at home turn into a kind of monsters who only want more and more independence, who challenge our rules and throw tremendous tantrums if they are not allowed to undertake all their adventures, for the who believe they are more than capable.

So we have a 2-year-old baby, with few skills but full of enthusiasm and desire to take on the world. They want to be great, do great things and there is no one to stop them. So you must grow as a mother and understand that they have already earned their own space and begin to make their own decisions, respect them as much as you can, if you control the controlling mother in you, you will achieve it more easily. It’s time to grow up for you too, you are a mom to a 2 year old baby!

Motor skills

  • Must be able to walk safely.
  • Running showing dissociation in arms and legs (not looking like a robot or a block)
  • Climb stairs with support.
  • Going down stairs with support (not yet alternating both legs)
  • Climbing modules in the park (or on home furniture!)
  • Jump down a small slide.
  • Enjoy the movement of the swings.
  • Rotate on your feet.
  • Kick a ball.
  • Throw a ball with your hand.
  • Solve lace games with pieces the size of the palm of your hand.
  • Wield a color or thick marker.
  • Cover and uncover markers.
  • Paint on large sheets (60 x 60 cms)
  • Try to put on your shoes.
  • Drink from a glass.
  • Try to eat only using a teaspoon.
  • Put small pieces in a container and be able to remove them (put grains in a glass)

Cognitive skills

  • Locate parts of your body (head, belly, legs, nose, hands)
  • Imitate actions of daily life such as: combing hair, lathering, putting on shoes, using silverware, talking on the phone, going to “work”
  • Recognize at least 4 animals by name.
  • Responds to your name when called.
  • They begin to learn simple songs and poetry.
  • They mimic movements and postures roughly.
  • They begin to realize that they have made a dirty diaper. Some in the course of these two years are already able to control toilet training during the day.
  • They can count 1,2,3.

Language development

  • Increase your vocabulary (each time you say more words and better articulated)
  • Understand instructions like: sit down, find your shoes, take this to dad, bring your car.
  • He says “no” when he doesn’t want something.
  • Use keywords to communicate such as: give me, water, tea, mom, dad, ya …
  • Imitate the sounds of some animals.
  • Call your family members by name.
  • When they are about to turn 3 years old, they must already express themselves fluently with sentences of 4 or more words.

    Social development

    • They begin to have “favorite people” that they prefer to be with.
    • They have some ritualized games, which they always do, for example, scare Daddy.
    • They easily learn “thank you” or funny behaviors that they show to other people upon request, for example “high five”, “show me your eyes”, “who is the princess of the house?”
    • They do not like to share their toys or their “favorite people.”
    • They play alone but enjoy the company of other children by their side.
    • They imitate older children, they want to be part of the group of grown-ups.
    • They ask for help when they need it.

    Don’t tell him, but he’s still a baby!

    This year your 2-year-old baby will stop being a baby to become a child, it will be a year of great transitions for both him and you. At the end of these terrible two years your big baby will become a small child, so enjoy every moment.

    When your 2-year-old is about to start at 3:

    • He will express himself fluently.
    • You will have earned your pass from crib to bed.
    • You will no longer drink the milk from the bottle but from a glass with a spout or a straw.
    • She will only wear a diaper at night.
    • Many start taking only one nap a day instead of two.

    It is not a small thing!

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