Tips And Rules To Differentiate G From J

If sometimes children leave you out of the game with questions like “is this written with goj?”, Do not despair and read on. We have all the rules and advice you need.
Tips and rules to differentiate g from j

The g or the j ? Once again we find ourselves at a crossroads between two letters and, if adults are not clear about it, children even less so. But don’t panic: this is solved with a few simple tips and rules to differentiate g from j .

Starting point to differentiate g from j

In this case, we have two letters and two sounds, but one of those sounds is used with both letters. The RAE explains when each one is used and, if we do it, half of the children’s spelling mistakes will disappear.

On the one hand, we have a smooth sound that only belongs to the g. This sound is used when the g precedes the vowels a , o and u,  or other consonants, as in the words cat or glacier.

Tips and rules to differentiate g from j.

On the other hand, there is a louder sound that “scratches” the throat. The j is always pronounced this way, while the g is only said like this when the rule we have seen before is not fulfilled. Some examples are cushion or leaf, with j , and pick or choose, with g .

Rules to differentiate g from j

Once we have the basic concepts clear, we can take a look at the spelling rules that the Fundéu exposes. As there are quite a few rules, it is recommended that children practice the rules of each letter in isolation to assimilate them little by little.

Rules of the g

  • The geo- prefix  of compound words:  geographygeometrygeology
  • The ending -gen  of names:  originmarginaboriginal
  • The endings -gelic-genarian-geneous-genic-genius-genital-gesimal-gth-getic and their feminine and plurals. For example, angelic , sixties , homogeneous , photogenic , wit , firstborn , quadragesimal , twentieth , apologetic.
  • Words that end in -gia-gio-gión-gional-gionario-gioso and -gírico : magic , regal , religion , regional , legionary , prodigious , panegyric , etc.
  • The endings -ger  and  -gir  of the infinitives:  protect , choose,  collectpretendcorrectdirect , etc. Less weavingcreaking  and their compounds ”.

Rules of the j

  • The termination -houseconciergelocksmith, etc.
  • The tenses of the verbs whose infinitive has that letter: creaks  from creaking or works to work.
  • The words derived from others that have  jbox  of box or  heretic heresy  .
  • Verb forms with sound engineeringji , if the corresponding infinitive have neither g or j : we distracted distract, transpired deducting said say, etc. “.

Tips to differentiate g from j

Learning spelling is not synonymous with spending hours writing and copying mistakes. In general, involving other senses such as sight and hearing can be even more important for spelling than just writing.

Read out loud

Before doing any writing exercises, it is highly recommended that children read aloud short texts that contain words with both letters. In addition to being a more natural and fun way to learn spelling, they will exercise the two sounds that we have seen.

When they have assimilated them, it will no longer be just isolated sounds, letters and words, but will have improved their visual and linguistic memory.

Tips and rules to differentiate g from j.

Practice with tongue twisters

Tongue twisters are a very useful resource when it comes to differentiating sounds that are easily confused. The best thing is that we can adapt the level of difficulty. We can start with a short tongue twister in which only words with the letter g or j appear,  and increase the speed little by little, or add new parts to the tongue twister.

If we want to complicate it a bit more, we can leave the letters that the children are going to practice blank for them to complete. What if they are very good at spelling? So, you can give them a tongue twister with some mistakes to correct.


It is best if each dictation deals with a specific set of rules and is on a topic that interests children. At first, its role is for children to learn to write correctly, but it is really a start to note-taking.

When they grow up, they will have to summarize what the teacher explains. Therefore, if the spelling base is established, they will only have to worry about summarizing the content.

Robinson method for learning to study

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