Tips For Choosing A Good Carrier

Tips for choosing a good baby carrier

A good advice to choose a baby carrier is to take into account the age of the child. Within this context, the scarf is the most recommended baby carrier by moms and specialized pages, whose articles highlight its versatility as the main attribute.

There is a universe of baby carriers, and among these there are a variety of scarves, which can be used since the baby has just been born and until your body can support it.

There are scarves made of 100% cotton, these are ideal for newborns because of their softness and comfort, however their life is limited as the child grows, as the material yields with the baby’s weight.

There are other scarves that are made with hemp and that last until the baby weighs between 14 to 15 kilos, which is useful if you want to buy a scarf that will last you for a long time.

This universe of baby carriers also includes rigid or non-adaptable backpacks or bags.  These should be used when the baby can sit up alone, that is, from six months of age.

Shoulder bags, a baby carrier for you

There is another type called shoulder straps, which is considered a complementary baby carrier, among its advantages is that you can use it as a crib when the baby is newborn, you can breastfeed in a comfortable position for both of you and you can also let it sleep.

This baby carrier can help your child relieve colic and reflux pain, as they will feel better when their stomach feels yours. Later, when the baby can sit up by himself, this baby carrier is considered to be very comfortable.

Just at that age, and with this implement, you can carry the child on the hip sitting astride, a natural anthropological position to carry our children.

For a baby who is already starting to walk, say the specialized pages, this baby carrier is perfectly adapted to the continuous ups and downs that this stage of discovery and exploration requires.

“Older babies will enjoy telling us about the day’s experiences and what they see at our height when we carry them on our hips. It is the baby carrier that I usually use to pick up my oldest son from school, with his 3 and a half years and his 20 kilos ”, explains a mother in an article published on a page specialized in baby carriers.


Pouch or sling, a comfortable baby carrier

Pouch means bag in English and is the term used to call the abdominal pouch of the kangaroo. This baby carrier is a stitched fabric band in the shape of a tube; It has neither hooks nor rings, nor does it require knots to hold on.

Its system makes it one of the easiest baby carriers to place and is an ally for those who do not know or do not like to tie knots.  It is placed on one shoulder and allows the baby to be carried in the fetal position when it is newborn and then semi-sitting or sitting, depending on its age. It is used to carry it in the front, on the back and on one hip.

The  pouch or sling  can be used from birth to 15 kilos or the weight indicated by the manufacturer according to the composition of the fabric.

The advantage is that it takes up very little space, is very easy to put on and take off and allows the baby to breastfeed without anyone knowing. The disadvantage is that the size depends on the measurements of each person and possibly mom and dad cannot use the same pouch.

The Mei tai:

It is made up of a square or rectangular panel of fabric with four bands that are tied at the waist and shoulders. It distributes the weight in a balanced way and can be used with babies from 6 or 7 kg to approximately 15 kg (varies depending on the brand and the width of the panel).


Ergonomic baby carrier:

The backpacks are designed to carry babies from 6 to 20 kg, approximately.  This baby carrier is made up of a rectangular panel with padded shoulder straps and waist, distributing the baby’s weight in a balanced way between shoulders, back and hips.

These straps are joined by click closures and incorporate adjustable straps to adapt it to different sizes of babies and carriers.

Consider these aspects when choosing a carrier

First of all, it is necessary to know that baby carriers respond to different needs, both for parents and children, so we have to consider the following:

  • Baby’s age / weight
  • Do I have any idea to use it frequently?
  • When am I going to use it (long walks, specific moments, at home …)?
  • Budget I have
  • Personal preferences (color, patterns, comfort, …)

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